Sunday, July 15, 2012

Let Freedom Ring ~ Day 3


Monday - 2 July 2012

Nick got cleaned up in the guest bathroom so he didn’t disturb Deacon, who was still curled up in a ball and sleeping on the bathroom floor in the master. When he was done he went to gently shake D’s shoulder.

“Deacon,” He said softly.

Deacon grumbled, “Leave me to die.”

Nick chuckled, “Come on, get up and lie down in bed, you’ll be more comfortable.”

“Don’t wanna move.” D mumbled as he pulled the blanket Nick had covered him with in the middle of the night over his head.

Nick squatted down and slid an arm under Deacon’s knees and around his back, “Come on baby, roll towards me.”

“Why can’t you just leave me be.” D whined, though there was a hint of humor in his voice, but he did as Nick asked anyway and turned so he was in Nick’s arms.

Nick took in a breath, knowing this was going to hurt his shoulder and ribs, and adjusted D making sure he had a firm grip and stood, picking Deacon up in the process.

“What the fuck?” D’s eyes flew open as he left the ground. He blinked at Nick as he maneuvered him into the bedroom and over to the bed. “Are you seriously carrying me?” D chuckled a little, “Haven’t been picked up since I was little…”

“Well you said you couldn’t move.” Nick laughed and set Deacon down on the bed.

“No, I said I didn’t want to, not that I couldn’t” Deacon snuggled down into the pillows and closed his eyes as Nick covered him up. “Feel like fucking road kill.”

“Don’t look much better.” Nick smirked.

“Fuck off, O’Flaherty.” Deuce mumbled sleepily.

Nick smiled, “It’s still fairly early, sleep.”

“Intend to…” Deacon drawled.

Nick brushed his hair back from his forehead and went into the kitchen to make coffee. As he waited for the coffee to brew he looked through the cabinets and refrigerator to see if there was anything tasty he could make for lunch and dinner. Nope, Nick sighed, all healthy shit. He leaned against the counter to contemplate whether to call a cab or take a walk and explore when the orange fur ball meowed and clawed up the denim on Nick’s leg.

“What’s up little guy?” Nick asked him. Nick was more of a dog guy, but he had to admit the kitten was awful cute, and maybe they’d bonded a little over last night’s snack. “You hungry again?” Winchester let out a little meow. “Ok, hold on.”

Nick opened a few cabinets again before finding the one that contained several cans of cat food and a rolled down bag of dry. Jesus Deacon’s kitchen was enormous, especially compared to Nick’s little galley back home on the 580. As he used the electric can opener on the counter Win started going nuts with the mewling and was practically climbing Nick’s leg.

“Alright, alright buddy, I’m going as fast as I can.” Nick laughed, but he could appreciate the kitten’s appetite, Nick had quite a big one of his own. He picked up the little blue ceramic bowl from the mat with paw prints that had Winchester’s name embroidered on it. Nick shook his head as he filled the bowl, “Spoiled little shit, aren’t you?”

He set the bowl down and Winchester went to town on his breakfast as Nick emptied and filled the other bowl with fresh water.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and drank it while he tore off a piece of note paper from the pad magnetized to the side of the fridge. He jotted a note to Deacon letting him know he’d be back in an hour or so and that he fed the cat. He put the time at the top so D would know when to expect him and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. He left both the note and water along with a bottle of Tylenol on the nightstand, checking to make sure Deacon was sleeping soundly before he grabbed D’s keys so he could get back in and left in search of a McDonald’s. He figured a stroll would be good for him and the greasy food would be good for D’s hang over when he woke up.

Deuce groaned softly as his eyes slowly started to flutter open, grimacing at the sunlight that was coming through the open curtains of the bedroom. Fucking sun. Wait, bedroom? Hasn’t he… he blinked a few times as he tried to remember when he had gone from the bathroom floor to the bed. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on the bathroom floor with Nick sitting beside him. As his thoughts turned to Nick, it came back to him. The early morning wake up, Nick carrying him to bed despite his injuries, shit, Deuce was going to kill him for that! He groggily pushed himself up onto his elbow, glancing over at the empty bed next to him before looking around the room, his gaze finally settling on the bottle of water and the note on the bedside table. He held the note close to his face, laughing softly as he read it.

“Completely insane.” He murmured softly as he pushed himself up to a sitting position, popping three of the Tylenol into his mouth, following them with a long drink of water, not sitting the bottle down until it was completely empty.

He cocked his head slightly as he listened to the sound of the quiet condo, taking a moment to determine if he was truly alone before pushing himself up to his feet, making his way to the bathroom.  He leaned heavily against the sink, debating on a shower before moving over and turning the water on, double checking the temperature before stepping under the spray, sighing in contentment as the warm water washed over his tired body.

When Nick came back into the penthouse Deacon was wrapped in a blanket and lying on the sofa watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

“Hey.” Nick said tentatively as he entered.

“Hey.” D answered and lifted his head up a little to look at Nick.

“Still feel like road kill?” Nick asked.

“Maybe a step above.” Deacon answered with a soft laugh. “Feeling more human after my shower, that’s for sure.”

“Only half squished then?” Nick smiled.

“Sounds about right,” D nodded towards the bags in Nick’s hands, “What’ve you got there.”

“I stopped at a Verizon store and picked up a new phone.” Nick held up his bounty to show Deacon the McDonald’s logo “Plus I got hangover medicine and lunch all wrapped in one.”

Deuce groaned, “No way. Just the thought of eating makes me want to run back to the bathroom and live on the floor.”

“Come on, D, you need to eat something. You know as well as I do that the greasier your breakfast, the faster you’ll feel better.” Nick tried to persuade him as he grabbed a couple of paper plates out of the cabinet before carrying them and the food to the couch, pausing at the doorway.

“You eat in here, right?” he asked hesitantly.

“Since most of my meals are eaten sitting right here, yeah, I think it should be fine.” Even though Deuce didn’t feel completely human, he couldn’t help but tease Nick as he looked over at him. “Come on, bring the bag over here and let me see what’s going to be hardening my arteries today.”

Nick shook his head slightly, the amusement evident on his face as he gently nudged Deuce over to join him on the couch. “Well, I know what I got for me, but if you want to claim it I won’t complain much.” he teased as he pulled out a Big Mac and a Quarter Pounder, putting one of each on a plate before pulling the fries out and sitting the cup of Dr. Pepper in front of Deuce.

“Just grab and eat, D. I like them both so whatever you don’t want, I’ll eat.” He said with a slight shrug.

“If you insist…” Deuce gave Nick a little grin before reaching for the quarter pounder, settling the plate on his lap as he leaned back against the couch. “No ranch…?” he asked after a moment or two, reaching for the bag to peer in, disappointed to only find a handful of ketchup packets.

Nick’s eyes widened at Deuce’s words, “Shit, Deacon, I forgot! I was too busy trying to remember how I got there and when I grabbed the ketchup, I completely forgot the ranch.”

Deuce couldn’t help but smirk a bit at the look of guilt on Nick’s face, debating on dragging things out, but eventually deciding to let him off of the hook. “There’s a bottle in the fridge.” He went to put the plate down to stand up, but Nick reached out to stop him.

“Don’t worry, I got it. If you’re willingly watching Spongebob, then there must be some part of your brain that’s still completely wasted.” Nick laughed as he got to his feet, grabbing the bottle of ranch out of the refrigerator, freezing when he got back to the couch and noticed that Winchester had taken over his spot on the couch and was happily munching on one of his fries. “What the hell, man? I thought we had an agreement!” he complained as he scooped the kitten up and stared him in the face for a moment or two. He set him on the back of the couch, placing a few fries in front of him, then handed Deuce the bottle of ranch.

“An agreement?” Deuce asked in amusement as he glanced over at Nick, pouring a generous amount of ranch onto his plate. He was still feeling pretty shitty, but if he could just get over the headache and rolling stomach, he’d be able to enjoy the rest of the day with Nick.

“Trust me. You don’t want to know.” Nick shook his head slightly as he sat back down beside Deuce, taking a bite of his burger as he reached for the remote and flipped the television to something that wasn’t the annoying yellow sponge.

“Don’t worry, he’ll tell me eventually.” Deuce teased as he dug into his lunch, hating to admit that Nick was right and that the fast food was slowly starting to make him feel more human.

“I swear the little orange bastard is nothing but a traitor.” Nick looked behind him, mock glaring at the kitten who was purring happily as he half played with, half ate, the few fries that were lying in front of him.

“Nah, he’s as loyal as any dog.” Deuce leaned back to kiss the fuzzy orange ears before sitting back and moving his leg over, hooking his ankle around Nick’s, just wanting to touch him as they ate in silence.

When they were done eating Nick leaned back and turned his head to look at Deuce. “Wanna talk about what happened with your patient? I know you can’t give specifics, but…”

“No,” Deuce shook his head. There was no use rehashing it really. It was going to take him time to get over losing David, but unfortunately it was part of the profession. There was something he did want to talk about though. He twisted in is his seat to face Nick, “I know I’ve told you this a few times, but… in the beginning, when I convinced myself that I was better off staying with Livi, it wasn’t because I wasn’t sure about my feelings for you, it was because I felt so much it scared me…and I really am sorry for that.”

“You don’t have to keep apologizing, D.” Nick gave him a little smile as he rotated to face Deuce as well.

“No, it’s just…” Deuce licked his lips and looked down feeling a little nervous all of a sudden. He was pretty sure of Nick’s feelings for him, especially after all of the time they’d spent on the phone or Skype the past few weeks, but you never knew. “I want you to know that I wasn’t confused…that I’m not confused. I know what I want. I want to be with you and only you.”

Nick reached up and gently lifted Deuce’s chin, his clear green eyes serious but soft as he held Deuce’s gaze, “That’s what I want too, D. No doubt. It took me a long time to adjust to the fact that I’m…that I prefer men. It was easier to identify as bi I guess, although I prefer not to put a label on it at all. I mean I find women beautiful, and yeah I can perform the…mechanics of it all.” Nick blushed a little as he laughed and Deuce smiled back, reaching out to run his fingertips over the flushed skin of his cheek. Deuce found that trait adorable, and almost innocent in a man that was anything but naive. “But there was always something missing…and I knew.” Nick nodded as he continued, “Deep down, I knew, I was just too much of a coward to face it. Until you. After that time we spent together…there was no turning back for me. You made me strong, D. You made me not just be able to accept that I wanted to be with a man, but embrace it. And after that…I preferred it to be with you, but either way I knew I wanted a relationship with a man. It wasn’t that I was afraid of commitment, I was just trying to force it with the wrong people…or gender.”

Deuce nodded, understanding the adjustment, the acceptance. Deuce had been attracted to men before, and yes he’d even kissed a couple, but he’d only ever had relationships with women. Always assumed he’d eventually get married and have a family. Of course that was before Nick made him feel more alive and happy then he’d ever felt before. “I get that. I never thought I’d end up in a relationship with a man, but…I was so miserable without you. Even though it was only a week, it felt like…” Deuce smiled softly and Nick smiled back. He ran his index finger down Nick’s straight, lightly freckled nose then traced his soft, perfectly defined lips. “I never missed someone so much and I knew…you were it. There was no use in fighting hurricane O’Flaherty.” Deuce teased, “You came in and tore up my neat little life, but it was a hell of a ride and when things settled, they were better than before. I want to be with you Nicky, and only with you.”

 “I want that too, Deacon.” Nick captured Deuce’s hand and kissed it. “God, I envy your ability to adjust so quickly to these curve balls life throws at you.”

Deuce shrugged, “No use crying over spilled milk, right? Or trying to change things that you can’t? Easier to readjust.” Nick turned Deuce’s hand over and placed a soft kiss on his palm like he’d done that day in his GTO before Deuce had to catch his flight back to Philly. God, he didn’t want to leave Boston that morning, and he knew then that he’d completely fallen for Nick. He smiled at the tickle of Nick’s stubble against the sensitive skin. “Well, glad that’s settled. Nice to know that your mine and I don’t have to worry about Dean trying to whisk you away.”

“No way, baby.” Nick winked, “Dean doesn’t have anything on you. No one does. I’m all yours.”

“Good.” Deuce sighed, “And now I can happily digest the grease.”

“You do that.” Nick got to his feet and gathered up their trash, leaning over to give Deuce a soft kiss. “I’ll be right back,” he reassured him with a smile, laughing softly when Deuce just fell over on the couch, bringing the Phillies blanket he was wrapped in with him.

“Mmm kay,” Deuce hummed softly, using his folded arm as a pillow, his eyes half-focused on the TV as he listened to Nick walk out of the room. He felt happier then he’d had in…well it seemed every day he spent with Nick made him happier then the last.

Nick turned on the faucet of the large tub and ran his hand under the tap until it reached a nice, hot temperature. He turned the knob to stop up the drain and stood to let the tub fill. He picked up a tall red bottle from the corner ledge to read the label. Elemis Tranquil Touch Indulgent Bath Elixir. Nick shrugged and screwed off the black lid to smell the contents. He took a sniff and nodded, smelled like Patchouli and cedar wood, sort of like a head shop but in a good way. He looked at the label again and read the smaller print at the bottom Body Exotics sensuous bath soak, Nick liked the word sensuous, sounded nice. Even though it crossed his mind that this could belong to Deacon’s girl…ex-girl, Nick corrected with a smile, he still tipped some into the rising water.

The sent immediately rose up and filled the large bathroom giving off a relaxing vibe. Good, exactly what he’d wanted. He went back into the master bedroom and gathered two candles and a lighter than went back into the bathroom. He set one candle on the sink to join the one already there and lit them both. He set the other on the back of the toilet bowl and lit that, then finally ignited the wick of the candle on the corner ledge where he had found the bubble bath oils. He dimmed the lights before he left to go back into the living room where Deacon was still curled on the couch, though his color was looking better since he’d eaten.

“Got a bath running for you,” Nick smiled as he lifted D’s feet and sat before resting them on his lap, starting to message D’s bad leg automatically, “It will help sweat the rest of the toxins out of you. Just make sure you stay well hydrated, take a water with you.”

“Ok, thanks,” Deacon smirked, “not joining me?”

“Nah, you need to recoup, though that tub is big as hell. Definitely room for two.” Nick smiled. Man, he’d love to join Deacon. He’d been aching to have sex with him since he’d first laid eyes on him two days ago in Baltimore, but he wanted D to feel up to it. He could wait. He had patience. Yeah, right.

“It’s nice, yeah?” Deacon sighed as he swung his feet to the floor and pushed off the couch to stand. “Better make sure you’re not causing a flood. My neighbors under me will have my head.”

“Go relax baby, I’ll check on you in a bit.” Nick rested his head back on the couch.

Deacon leaned down and ran his fingers through Nick’s hair, “Why don’t you lie down, you look tired.”

Nick nodded, “Maybe I will.”

Deacon smiled than gave him a long, soft kiss before heading to the master bath.

Deuce couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he walked into the bathroom, the smell hitting him before he even walked into the room. Deuce knew it could be seen as girly, but the bath oil that Nick had used was one of his favorites. After a particularly hard day, his favorite way to unwind was with a long hot bath with his Elemis bath oil. He knew that Nick didn’t know that, but it spoke volumes that they both had the same taste when it came to smells.

He switched on his iPod before his pajama pants quickly hit the floor. He hissed slightly as he stepped into the hot water, his skin quickly adjusting as he settled in. He stretched his long legs out in the large tub, letting his head fall back as he closed his eyes.

The past forty-eight hours had been a whirlwind of emotion. From the early morning phone call from Alex telling him not to bother coming because his daughter was sick and his wife couldn’t get off work from her nursing job at the hospital. They had promised to meet up sometime over the summer whenever Alex could get more than a couple days off from the mines. He had been disappointed when he hung up the phone; at least until the obvious had smacked him in the face. Nick was going to be in Baltimore this weekend, and with this change in plans, he could be too. He’d had a few hours of extreme happiness with Nick at his side and stealing an insane amount of kisses when Ty and Zane weren’t looking.

Then he got the second phone call. His heart clenched as he thought about that call, the extreme desperation in his patients wife’s voice when she called him. He knew with traffic that flying to Philly made the most sense and he had arrived much sooner than if he had decided to drive, but there was still this little voice in his head telling him all about each and every what if it could think of. It just wasn’t fair… but the rational part of him knew that there had been nothing that he could have done, David had had suicidal thoughts most of his adult life. This wasn’t the first time that he’d tried to take his own life, but unfortunately it would be his last. Deuce getting completely wasted hadn’t helped anyone, especially on what was supposed to be his first night alone with Nick in weeks. Deuce sighed, the damage was done; he just hoped that they could salvage the rest of the week before Nick had to leave.

Deuce settled back against the tub, closing his eyes as he let the scent of the bath oil relax him, deciding to focus instead on the positive conversation he and Nick had just had.

Nick lie down on the bed for awhile but he couldn’t sleep, not really wanting to be away from D, so he got up and entered the bathroom. Etta James’ greatest hits Her Best was playing from the iPod docked on the vanity and Deacon was submerged with his head resting against the back of the tub, his eyes closed. Nick grabbed the loofah hanging from a hook on the wall in the shower stall and kneeled down on the tan tile next to the bathtub.

“Sit up. I’ll do your back.” He said.

“I don’t want to move.” D protested with a little smile, but sat forward anyway, bringing his knees up to rest his forearms on them.

Nick dipped the loofah into the hot sudsy water and began to gently wash Deacon’s back. He smiled when At Last started to play softly from behind him. He’d heard this song on the radio the day after D had called to inform him that he’d broken up with Livi and the lyrics seemed to fit how Nick felt about Deacon perfectly.

“Mmmm…” D hummed and rested his head on his arms.

“Feel good?” Nick smiled.

“Yeah…” Deacon acknowledged quietly.

Nick continued to wash Deacon, running the loofah down his back and over his shoulders. As he squeezed the puffy ball he watched the suds travel over the muscles under the smooth tan skin. God, Deacon was beautiful, every damn inch of him. Nick swallowed hard and began to worry his lip. He’d already opened up some when they’d had their talk, but there was something else he needed to say. No better time then the present, and with Deacon’s head down hiding those mesmerizing hazel eyes it might be easier.

“I…,” Nick cleared his throat, “Deacon…I’m in love with you.”

D’s head shot up and he looked at Nick over his shoulder.

“You don’t have to say anything.” Nick hurried on, “I know it’s too soon, I just…I just wanted you to know…”

A slow smile spread over Deacon’s face. “I’m in love with you too, Nick. I’ve never…felt so strongly about anyone before.”

Nick’s heart did a little flip, “Really?”

Deacon nodded, “Really.”

Nick leaned forward and caressed Deacon’s face with the fingers of his free hand, both of them smiling at each other.

“Are you going to kiss me or what?” D asked as his smile grew.

Nick’s grin widened in return before leaning forward to press their lips together. It was tender at first, soft and lingering, until Deacon ran his tongue over Nick’s lips and Nick opened his mouth, sliding their tongues together. D’s wet hand came up to cup the back of Nick’s head and Nick leaned further forward.  Deacon’s other arm came around to encircle Nick’s back, pulling him closer until Nick had to rise up from the floor to sit his hip on the edge of the tub. He dropped the loofah to run his hand up Deacon’s skin. D adjusted back a little and gripped Nick’s flank, giving a little tug causing Nick’s hip to slip and he fell into the tub with a splash.

“Fuck!” Nick exclaimed and they both laughed. “You did that on purpose.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” D gave him one of his best innocent looks and Nick narrowed his eyes at him.

“Mmmhmm…” Fuck it, Nick thought, mostly wet now. He brought his legs in the rest of the way and crawled in between D’s legs as Deacon brought one out to hook over the side of the enclosing. Nick brought their mouths together again as he ran one hand up Deacon’s thigh to rest on his hip. Deacon hummed his approval as Nick deepened the kiss.

Nick kissed Deacon’s cheek than ran his tongue down the warm, wet skin of D’s neck. He tasted perfumey, like the bath oils, but it was mixed with Deacon’s own unique flavor enhanced by the heat.  Deacon leaned his head back to give Nick better access as he pulled Nick’s shirt up. “Get naked…” he uttered. “Been missing you.”

Nick didn’t need much prompting, he leaned back to strip off his tee then stood to undo and pull down his water logged jeans, all the while Deacon peering at him through his lashes, his head still rested back. Nick gave the denim a good squeeze to get some of the water out before chucking them into the sink.

“Sit up,” Nick instructed, “Let me get behind you. I still need to wash your front.”

Deacon licked his lips with a sexy smile and complied. Nick stepped out once D slid forward and stepped back in to settle behind him. He bent up one knee and tossed the other over the side like D had done earlier.

“Come here.” Nick said as he wrapped an arm around Deacon and pulled him back against him. When D settled his back against Nick’s chest and rested his head on Nick’s shoulder, Nick fished for the loofah and began to run it over D’s abs then chest, taking extra care to drag the rough material over Deacon’s nipples slowly. Deacon let out a little moan as he arched up at the attention causing his ass to press against Nick’s erection.

Nick continued to wash Deacon as he kissed, sucked and lightly bit down his neck. He moved his free hand around D’s hips and began to slowly stroke his hard cock. Man, he’d missed Deacon’s cock, missed those tantalizing little sounds and moans that Deacon made. The bath oils made Nick’s hand slip easily over the silken skin as he used all of the tricks he’s learned on himself. A twist at the top, the pad of his thumb over the slit, he dropped the loofah so he could use his other hand to alternate between massaging Deacon’s balls and playing with his nipples all the while giving attention to D’s throat and shoulder with his lips and tongue.

“Oh, yeah…fuck.” Deacon groaned. He twisted around a little, bringing his arm up and bending it to run his fingers through Nick’s hair as he brought their lips together for a wet sloppy kiss.

Nick continued to stroke him as they kissed, Deacon was practically sitting in his lap now and as he gyrated his hips Nick’s erection slid deliciously along D’s crack causing a satisfying friction. Nick flexed up and Deacon pushed back as Nick flicked his thumb over the slit a few times then started stoking faster.

“Fuck, Nicky…” Deacon panted.

“Come on, baby…,” Nick peered over Deacon to watch his hand work D’s cock. “Come on…come for me.”

“Oh, God…” Deacon hips were moving in time with Nick’s hand until his body went still and he ground out Nick’s name as his dick pulsed in Nick’s hand. Nick watched as Deacon came, the water turning milky as Deacon trembled in his arms with his orgasm. Jesus, that was so fucking hot. Watching, hearing and feeling Deacon climax was a thing of beauty. Deacon turned more to kiss Nick languidly as Nick continued to rub D’s cock until Deacon shivered hard. Nick finally released his dick and wrapped his arms around Deacon, pulling him close. Deacon trailed his hand down Nick’s chest to touch Nick’s still hard cock.

“Gotta take care of you…” Deacon smiled against his lips. “Let’s go to the bedroom…missed having you inside of me.”

“Oh fuck yes…” Nick groaned as he arched up into Deuce’s hand, gripping the side of the tub tightly when Deuce’s hand wrapped around his cock. His head fell backwards, eyes closing as he arched against the hand that was stroking him. “Fuck, Deacon, keep that up and we’re not making it into the bedroom.”

At those words, Deuce instantly pulled his hand away, urging Nick to his feet. “Bedroom. Now.”

Nick scrambled to get out of the tub, wasting no time in pulling Deuce to his feet, their lips crashing together in a passionate kiss as Nick let Deuce lead the way to the bedroom. “Gonna fuck you so fucking hard.” He promised, his voice low in Deuce’s ear, causing Deuce to shudder. As they reached the bed, a hand moved down to stroke Deuce’s quickly hardening cock.

“Fuck…need you inside me so bad…” Deuce stretched out on the bed, spreading his legs and bringing a knee to his chest in invitation. His watched Nick as his fingers lightly ran over his opening, knowing that Nick’s eyes were on his hand. “Nicky…”

It seemed the sound of his name being half-whined in desperation was all it took for Nick to snap into action, grabbing the lube off of the night table he coated two fingers with the slippery substance. He leaned down to capture one of Deuce’s nipples in his mouth, sucking on it as he slid his fingers home. Deuce shuddered at the feel of Nick’s fingers and the attention to his nipple as his body clenched around the welcome intrusion. “That’s it, up for me.” Nick licked his lips as he watched two and then three fingers sliding in and out of his lover while Deuce willed his muscles to relax.

Deuce was practically mewling at the attention to his sweet spot, his hips lifting off of the bed with every stroke of Nick’s fingers. “C’mon, Nick, just fuck me. Need you inside me…Fuck, please.”

“Patience, gorgeous…” Nick kissed Deuce as he pulled his fingers free, stretching his arm over to the night stand he opened the drawer and reached in without looking. He broke the kiss, a confused look crossing his face as he sat up to peer into the drawer. His eyes widening, but Deuce was sure that all that was in there was his Kindle, a spare pair of glasses and a few cat toys.

“What the hell are you looking for…?” Deuce finally asked, reaching a hand out to stroke over Nick’s thick cock before moving up to his hip to pull him closer and back to what they had been doing before the other man had become distracted..

“Condoms…” was the one word answer that caused Deuce to groan loudly as he yanked Nick back over to him, kissing him heatedly.

“Don’t fucking need them. Just fuck me…”

Nick hesitated before shaking his head. “I’m sorry, we can’t babe. You know I don’t have sex without them…it’s not safe.”

Deuce groaned in frustration as he looked up at Nick. “We’re both clean, you said you get tested regularly, and we love one another… come on, Nicky, please…you told me you haven’t been with anyone else in a long time… ”

“I know but…it’s too soon… Deacon…” Their eyes met for a moment or two and Deuce could see the determination in Nick’s gaze telling him there’d be no compromise. He groaned again, pulling Nick to him, their hips pressed together as he ground his pelvis up toward Nick’s.

“Just fucking need you touching me... don’t care how…” Deuce wrapped his hand around their cocks, stroking them together as he wrapped his other arm around Nick’s shoulders, kissing him desperately, moaning against his lips at the feel of Nick’s hand joining his own on their cocks.

No words were exchanged between them, the only sounds in the room were the sounds of their moans and whimpers as each stroke of their hands brought them both that much closer to the edge. Nick’s moans began to get louder, his hand moving from their cocks  to grip at Deuce’s sweaty thigh, his head falling back as he arched up against Deuce’s hand.

“Close baby… so fucking close…”

“Mmm yeah? Gonna come all over my hand? Wanna watch you lose control… so fucking hot…”

It only took a few more strokes of Deuce’s hand before Nick was moaning in pleasure, his cock jerking as jets of come splattered between them and over Deuce’s fist. Deuce moaned Nick’s name moments later, riding out his own orgasm as he nipped and bit at Nick’s shoulder.

“Fuck, D….” Nick uttered as he collapsed on the bed next to Deuce.

Deuce panted softly, turning his head to kiss Nick. “We’re getting condoms today or we both might kill something!” he chucked softly as he ran his fingers through Nick’s hair.

“Mmm yeah, we’ll find a drug store and stock up. Economy sized box, baby!” Nick smiled at Deuce, giving him a kiss. “It might not have been what we planned, but it was still fucking amazing, yeah?”

“It’s always amazing, Nick…”

They ended up napping before getting showers and ordering pizza. They ate as they watched ESPN, playfully arguing over the commentators predictions. After dinner Nick laid his head in Deuce’s lap so he could play with his curls. Deuce knew Nick loved it, and he had to admit he did too. He found it relaxing for some reason. As the hours went by though, Deuce started to feel hot and restless. He wanted to hit the drug store soon, even though it was open twenty four hours, and the penthouse was feeling stuffy.

He gently dislodged Nick and groaned as he walked across the living room, double checking the thermostat. “Ugh fuck this heat...” He paused for a moment before smirking over at Nick. ”You know... we do have access to a pool…”

“Oh, yeah? I don't have any swimming trunks with me...” Nick looked over at Deuce, a smile on his face.

“You can borrow a pair of mine... Pool should be deserted at this time of night.” It was technically after-hours at the pool, but no one would pay them any mind if they kept quiet and didn’t draw attention to themselves.

Nick grinned as he lifted an arm up to rest it behind his head. “Just us...?”

“If we’re lucky.” Deuce returned the grin as he leaned over to kiss Nick. “And it’ll be cooler down there.”

“Hmmm...Let's go. What's sexier than my Deacon? A wet Deacon!” Nick laughed as he pushed himself up to his feet.

“Stay put!” Deuce said, making his way into the bedroom to grab a pair of swim trunks for Nick. “Here, these should fit.” He said, tossing them to his lover.

Nick examined the shorts, nodding as he held them up. “Thanks. Should I just change right here?” He smirked as he started to unbutton his jeans.

Deuce laughed softly as he shook his head. “I'll go change in the bedroom... if I see you naked, we're not going to be leaving the condo and we still don’t have condoms.”

Nick smiled at that. “Good idea. I mean, we do actually want to make it to the pool and the drug store sometime tonight.”

Deuce disappeared into the bedroom to change before grabbing a couple of large towels, calling out to Nick. “You half naked yet?”

“I'm presentable. I'll keep my shirt on until we get to the pool. Don't wanna drive you to attack me...” he laughed.

Deuce walked out wearing a pair of long swim trunks, his shirt and the towels slung over his shoulder.  “Then you're just gonna have to keep your hands off of me!”

Nick grinned and sauntered over to him, placing his hands on Deuce’s hips as he kissed him. “Impossible task.”

Deuce grinned as he playfully smacked at Nick's hands. “Hands off, mister!”

“Why do you like to torture me, baby? Come on, one more kiss than we'll head down.”

Deuce grinned, his voice sing-songing as he looked over at Nick. “Because it’s fun!”  He gave in without a fuss, leaning over to give Nick a quick kiss.

Nick slapped his ass once he was close enough, “Ok, let’s swim...”

The laughter was contagious as they made their way towards the door. “Come on, Nicky.” He reached out to take Nicks hand, squeezing it as he led him out the door.

Nick whistled until the elevator doors closed then grabbed Deuce’s ass and nuzzled his neck. “Maybe I'm a life guard and you need saving...”

Deuce laughed softly as he glanced toward the ceiling of the elevator. “I think someone wants to be a movie star.” He teased as he leaned against the wall.

“More like porn star...and only if you’re in the movie with me.” Nick clarified as he grinned, kissing Deuce’s neck softly.

“Just meant that we were on camera…” Deuce pointed towards the lens then returned the grin before kissing him.

Nick looked up at where Deuce gestured, “Well, fuck… Let them watch. We’re hot!”

Deuce laughed as he shook his head slightly. “Just remember, you don't have to live here...” he trailed off with a smirk. “Yet.” He couldn’t help but add.

“Ok, I'll behave...” Nick gave a mock sigh, the smirk never leaving his face.

“At least until we're under the cover of water and I can get my hands on you without anyone seeing!”

Nick was quiet for a few moments as he looked over at him with a smile.”Have I told you I love you in the last hour?”

Deuce went quiet for a moment or two, pretending to think about it, his voice teasing. “Hmm… Nope, don’t think so.”

“Well, I love you.” He rocked back on his heels to look at Deuce’s ass with a smirk. “All of you.”

“You sure you can see it back there?” Deuce asked as he stuck his ass out, returning the smirk.

“Mmmhmm...nicest one I've ever seen.” When the doors opened, Nick cleared his throat and stood straighter, trying to look serious and respectable. “Shall we go Dr. Grady?”

“Right this way, Officer O'Flaherty.” Deuce held his hand out to Nick as he stepped out of the elevator, looking back at him.

Nick raised his eyebrows and looked at Deuce's hand and then at him. A looks of should we hold hands? evident on his face.

Deuce shrugged, reaching out to take Nick's hand, squeezing it with a smile. “The people that matter know about us. Well, almost all of them... everyone else can deal with it.”

“Ok.” Nick smiled and laced their fingers together. “I agree.”

Deuce gave him a wink as he led Nick across the lobby and toward the side door where the path that led to the pool and the gym was located.

Nick looked around at his surroundings as they made their way toward the pool.  “It's really nice here. I can see why you liked it. The view aside.”

“I love this place. It’s quiet and everyone's nice... and constant access to a pool and gym helps.” Deuce typed in a code when they reached the door to the enclosed pool, opening it with a flourish. “Ta-da?”

Nick nodded as he looked around the spacious pool, the view of the river gorgeous even from here. “Nice… I’d never leave if I had this place so close.”

“Now… let’s get rid of this so that I can see you.” Deuce stepped closer to Nick after throwing the towels and his shirt on a nearby chair, tugging on Nick’s shirt with a grin. The glass dome was dimly lit, only the running lights in the Olympic sized pool giving elimination. Deuce didn’t bother looking for the light switch, figuring they’d be less conspicuous in the dark. Besides it was rather romantic, and despite popular belief, men could appreciate romance too.

Nick raised his arms and allowed Deuce to undress him with a smile before hooking an index finger in D's waistband. “What about these?”

Deuce hesitated for a moment before looking around to make sure they were truly alone. “Want to make them disappear?”

Nick blinked at him in shock. “Yeah…?”

Deuce laughed softly, his voice teasing. “Yeah… I’m feeling adventurous tonight!”

“Well alright.” Nick nodded with a smile and dropped his shorts, kicking them to the side.

Deuce couldn’t help but lick his lips as he ran his eyes over Nick’s naked body, his eyes lingering on the tattoos that complimented his muscles nicely. “I’ll never get tired of this view.”

“Come on.” Nick smiled, his eyes glittering in the dim light, and ran towards the deep end, diving in with a yell of happiness. “Whoo hoo!”

Deuce laughed as he dropped his own shorts, walking over to the edge of the pool. “You're crazy!”

Nick shook the water from his hair before running his hand through it. “Get your sweet ass in here or I'm throwing you in!”

“I’ll come in a second. I’m just enjoying the view from here!”

A smirk crossed Nick’s face as he started floating on his back. “This view?”

Deuce moved forward, sitting down on the edge of the pool, his eyes on Nick. The water accentuating the muscles of his padded chest, the shallow grooves of his eight pack, his semi hard cock curving slightly as it rested on his lower stomach, his long defined legs.“Oh yeah, that view.”

Nick swam over to where Deuce was sitting and stopped between his legs, running his hands up his thighs, eyeing his cock. “Scoot forward.”

Deuce placed a gentle finger on Nick’s forehead, pushing him away with a laugh. “No sex in the pool!”

Nick grinned at the flaw in Deuce’s plan. “But you’re not in the pool.”

Deuce laughed again as he scooted forward, lowering himself into the pool. “And now I am,” he said with a grin.

“Fucker.” Nick grinned back before taking in a deep breath and going under the water. Deuce watched the blurry figure circle around him.

“Gotta catch me first...”Deuce grinned as he kicked off from the wall, swimming across the pool.

Nick swam after him, coming up for air before going back under and swimming fast. He grabbed Deuce’s ankles and pulled him under the water and into his arms for a kiss.

Deuce wrapped his arms around Nick, kissing him back as he pulled him closer, letting his hands fall to Nick’s ass, pinching it teasingly.

Nick laughed into the kiss, releasing bubbles before he grabbed Deuce’s hand and swam to the surface, pinning him against the side of the pool in the shallower end, the water barely covering their hips. ”Are you sure about no fooling around in the pool?” He grinned teasingly as he ground against Deuce. “Not even a little friction?”

Deuce was unable to resist lifting a leg to wrap around Nick's waist, pulling him closer. “Well, maybe a little will be okay.”

Nick smiled before leaning forward to kiss him; tenderly at first then sucking on his bottom lip before sliding his tongue into his mouth while his hips moved lightly against Deuce’s. Deuce slid an arm around Nick's neck as he kissed him; his other hand running down Nick’s back and over his abs, stopping to occasionally tease the sensitive spots that he had learned drove him crazy.

“God I just want to fuck you every waking minute,” Nick moaned softly against his ear, nipping at the lobe before trailing his lips down to Deuce’s neck, nipping at his neck before kissing it, his hands moving down to Deuce’s chest, pinching a nipple hard, causing Deuce to gasp and arch against him.

“Not fucking fair!”

“Mmmm... all is fair in love and war, baby.” He ran his hand down Deuce’s chest and stomach, taking their cocks in his hand, beginning to stroke as he kissed, sucked, nipped and licked his neck and shoulders.

Deuce moaned as he leaned his head forward, kissing and sucking on Nick’s neck, his fingers grazing over his nipples. “Fuck, baby...”

“Jesus you’re so fucking hot...” Nick’s breath was unsteady and harsh as he moved his hand faster, his eyes watching Deuce’s reactions.

Deuce let one hand move between their bodies, wrapping his hand around Nick's so that they could stroke together. “Fuck I love your cock,” he moaned as his head fell forward to rest on Nick’s shoulder.

Nick licked his lips, pulling back a little to look down between them. “Even our cocks look good together…” He laughed a little then bit his lip, a soft sound escaping his throat.

Deuce’s eyes followed Nick's gaze, watching as their cocks moved together just below the surface. “We're perfect together, Nicky,” he moaned as he started moving his hand faster.

“Yeah, we are...” There was another kiss as Nick started grinding against Deuce once again, their bodies needing more. ”Fuck, D,” he rested their foreheads together. “Is it rude to come in the pool, because I'm not gonna last much longer.”

Deuce shook his head slightly. “Fuck it... that’s what chlorine is for.” He laughed breathlessly, “I'm sure we're not the first ones to do this here. Not gonna fucking last if we have to move…” he moaned as he gripped at Nick’s shoulder.

“I was hoping you were gonna say that.” Nick laughed too before moaning. “Wrap your other leg around me.”

“Fuck yeah...“ Deuce kissed him roughly as he wrapped both legs around Nick’s waist, grinding their cocks together.

Nick let go of their cocks leaving Deuce to stroke them, slipping his hand under Deuce’s ass to rub his hole with his finger. He moved his other hand up to grab the edge of the pool to steady them as he licked down to take a nipple in his mouth, licking around it before sucking it into his mouth.

Deuce’s hand stroked them faster as his head fell back against the edge of the pool, crying out in pleasure. “Oh fuck, Nicky... so good, feels so fucking good...”

“Fuck yeah, baby...” Nick’s breathing was hard and unsteady as he moaned. “Gonna come...”

Deuce moaned as he kissed Nick sloppily. “Come ... want to fucking watch you…” Nick groaned loudly as he let his head fall back as he came. Deuce made a low growl deep in his throat as he watched Nick, stroking him through his orgasm. “Fuck that's sexy as hell...”

Nick bit his lip as he caught his breath, his eyes running over Deuce’s still hard cock with a smile. “Your turn,” he smirked as he took in a deep breath, ducking under the water to take Deuce’s cock into his mouth, sucking hard.

 Deuce arched into Nick, just the touch of his mouth around his cock sent him over the edge, his fingers tightly gripping Nick's hair as he came with a moan.  

Nick swallowed as much as he could before coming up for air, licking his way up Deuce’s chest before biting his collarbone and kissing him. “We didn’t even swim for two seconds.”

Deuce laughed breathlessly as he kissed him. “You're just too fucking irresistible!”

“Ditto. Can't keep my hands off of you.” Nick kissed him before sighing. “... now I'm hungry.”

Deuce laughed against his shoulder. ”I swear you're a bottomless pit.”

“You make me burn the calories faster than I can eat them!”

Deuce gave him a mock innocent look. “I do no such thing.”

Nick smiled and shook his head. “Yup, dangerous weapon. Lethal wrapped in a very hot, innocent package. You're gonna be the death of me, Deacon.”

“Not allowed to die on me, dammit.” Deuce insisted as he kissed him.

Nick shrugged slightly. “You'll just have to do mouth to mouth.” Nick squeezed Deuce’s ass. “Let me see your best cannon ball.”

The brunet laughed softly, tightening his arms around Nick. “That requires moving, and you're comfy.”

“Oh, yeah? You expect me to just swim you around?”

“Yup, ’cause I'm not fucking moving.” Deuce said with a lazy grin.

Nick made sure that Deuce’s legs were tight around his waist, smiling at him. “Hold on, then.” He pushed away from the wall, fanning his arms out to paddle them around the pool. “This is nice…”

Deuce laughed as he wrapped his arms around Nick’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. “I wasn't serious!”

“Too late now…” Nick kept up the leisurely swim as he leaned into the wet kisses.

“This is really nice,” Deuce said with a smile as he relaxed against him.

“Mmmm...this is much better than the dummy they made me swim around with in Recon training.”

“Bet I'm sexier too.”

“Oh, yeah...” A smile crossed Nick’s face. “And you're anatomically correct. He was missing parts.”

“And you know you love my parts!”

“There isn't one inch of you I don't love. One more lap then let’s get something to eat. Let's just slip on our trunks and walk to get ice cream and French fries,” Nick suggested as he gave Deuce another kiss.

“I know a great place for that nearby.” Deuce smiled as he kissed Nick’s chest.

“That's what I love about the city. Everything's in walking distance.” Nick swam over to the steps, pausing so that Deuce could get to his feet.

“I love Philadelphia... it's why I stayed here... I do miss home, though.” Deuce climbed the few steps, helping Nick up and out of the pool.

 Nick shook his hair like a dog in D's direction to spray him with the water, laughing while he did it. “I've lived in the city my entire life...can't imagine living in the middle of nowhere.”

Deuce smiled sadly as he thought of home. “You don't know what you're missing, Nicky. We should go up for a weekend... not to my parents place, but we should rent a cabin for the weekend, just us.”

“Yeah,” Nick mused as he toweled off and slipped on his trunks and his tee. “That sounds like fun. I like hiking though, yeah?”

Deuce laughed as he dried off and slipped his shorts back on. “There has to be hiking. Just don't poke any snakes!”

“Fuck the snakes; it was the ticks and mosquitoes that got me last time!” Nick slipped on his shoes as he looked over at Deuce. “I'll wear boots this time, and let’s wait until fall. Then we'll need body heat to keep us warm at night.”

Deuce couldn’t help but grin at that. “Wimp!” Deuce gave him a quick kiss as he slid his flip flops and shirt on.

Nick shrugged. “You'll take care of me. You're much more sympathetic then Ty. Plus you love me.”

“Yeah, yeah I love you. He slid his arm around Nick’s shoulders as they walked toward the door. “Ty doesn’t know the meaning of the word sympathy!”

“, will you hold my hand in the mean streets of Philly?”

Deuce laced their fingers together, bringing their clasped hands up to his lips for a kiss. “Wouldn't have it any other way.”

Deuce could tell the dopey and in love smile that crossed Nick’s face was completely involuntary. “Then lead the way to sustenance, baby.”

Deuce double checked the pockets on his swim trunks to make sure he had his wallet and phone before leading Nick toward the door. “It’s not too far actually.”

Since the sun went down it had turned into an absolutely beautiful night with a soft breeze coming off of the Delaware bringing out hoards of people to enjoy the weather. Deuce and Nick walked the quarter mile to the diner with linked fingers. Nick knew people were looking at them, some with a smile others with a sneer, but he didn’t really give a rat’s ass either way. They were a couple, and they were in love, so fuck anyone who didn’t approve. If they had been in Boston it might have been a different story, but then again Nick had been doing a lot of thinking and decided that since he was starting to be honest with himself it was time he started being honest with the people he cared about most in his life. He’d already come out to his Gran and his mom was next on his list, then he’d take it from there.

They were laughing over something silly as they entered Darling’s Diner and were greeted by a woman in her mid fifties with long frizzy hair that was just as much grey as it was red. Nick looked around, liking the atmosphere of the old fashioned fifties style with a modern twist. It was a relatively small place with round orange topped stools lining the counter, a few metal tables, and booths covered in the same pleather as the stools along the large windows. The woman sat them at one of the end booths and introduced herself as Carla, she handed them menus and informed them she’s be back to take their orders in a bit.

“I like the vibe here,” Nick said as he looked around once more. He surveyed the other few costumers for possible threats out of habit and settled into the booth when he deducted the probability was highly unlikely.

“Yeah, me too” Deacon nodded, “and the food is fantastic. I try to order something different every time I come and I’m never disappointed.”

“Are you going to get something to eat?” Nick asked.

“Nah, I’ll just steal some of your fries and be bad and get a milkshake too.” D smirked.

Nick perused the menu, the food did sound good but he wasn’t really that hungry, he was just craving a snack. “Even though I should probably eat something delicious since you’ll be having me living on tofu for the next two days, I’ll just stick with the fries and shake.”

“I’ll have you know I don’t particularity like tofu, O’Flaherty.” Deacon informed him.

“No?” Nick raised his brows, “You sure like turkey though.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Deacon tilted his head to the side, “And if you say you’ve named your dick Turkey I’m hitting you with the menu.”

“Nah, his name’s Kong,” Nick laughed, “But seriously, I was looking through your cabinets while you were sleeping to find something to make for lunch and you had fucking turkey everything. Ground turkey, turkey sausage, turkey bacon, even turkey fucking pepperoni, and that’s just sacrilege.”

“I could feed you any of those things and you’d never know the difference.” Deacon shrugged, “Except the bacon, the bacon is kind of gross. I didn’t buy it though…” Deacon trailed off with a wince but Nick just gave him a smile. Yeah, the thought of D having a life with someone else, someone who was close enough to buy groceries for his house bothered Nick, but he wasn’t going to dwell on it or let it get him down tonight. Deacon loved him. Deacon loved him. Nick couldn’t prevent his smile from growing into a big, goofy one.

“What?” D asked, smiling back.

Nick shook his head, “Just feeling particularly happy, even if I am going to leave Philly with feathers and gobbling.”

Deacon gave him a mock glare and leaned across the table to smack Nick on the side of the head with his menu anyway just as Carla came back to the table.

“I’d tell you to behave,” She said in her gravely smokers voice, “But with his mischievous smile he looked like he deserved it.”

“Hey,” Nick looked at her askance, “That’s not true. Why do waitresses always turn on me when we’re out together?” He looked at D and pointed at him, “It’s that faux innocent look.”

“I have no idea what you’re referring to,” Deacon blinked at him, exaggerating the innocent façade even more, then turned it on Carla, “I assure you the innocence is quite genuine.”

Nick snorted, genuine his ass, Deacon was anything but innocent earlier when he was sprawled out naked and begging Nick to fuck him bare back. Of course he couldn’t share that little tid bit with Carla.

When their order of a double portion of fries, a chocolate shake for Deacon and a strawberry one for Nick arrived they dug in, making small talk as they enjoyed their treat. Nick took a fry and dipped it into his shake before popping it into his mouth and chewing happily. Deacon arched a brow and gave Nick a speculative look.

“What?” Nick asked after he swallowed.

“I can’t decide of that was repulsive or if it looks good.” Deacon admitted with a smirk.

“Try it, you might like it.” Nick wiggled his brows, “Wouldn’t be the first new thing I got you to try that you enjoyed.”

Deacon gave a long suffering sigh as he teased, “Oh, my Nicky, food and sex. That’s all it comes down to for you, isn’t it?”

“And sports,” Nick nodded, “Isn’t that true with all men, though?”

Deacon made a show of giving that some thought, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He finally agreed with a playful smile.

“Come on,” Nick nodded towards the dwindling plate of French fries, “Dip.”

Deacon picked one up and eyed it before dunking it into his shake and popping it into his mouth. His brows furrowed for a moment before they rose up and he nodded. “Good.”

“See?” Nick gave a proud smile, “Tasty. Salt and sweet is the best combo, man --”

“—like Raisinetes and popcorn.” They both said at the same time and laughed.

“Jinx.” Deacon winked and tossed a fry at Nick. Nick plucked it from his lap where it had landed, looked at it than ate it with a shrug as D shook his head.

“The best way is to pour the Raisinetes into the pop corn though, “Nick continued.

“So the chocolate gets all melty and coats the corn.” Deacon nodded.

Nick smiled at him, “Well, at least we know we’re snack compatible if we ever go to the movies together.”

“What do you mean if we ever?” Deacon asked, “I love going to the movies and this is a permanent thing, right?” D motioned between them with the fry in his hand, “Can’t expect me to go to the theater alone for the rest of my life, your ass is coming with me.”

Nick knew he was sporting another goofy grin but he couldn’t help himself. He loved the sound of that. Permanent. Rest of their lives. Made those damn butterflies spring to life in full force. “Not a problem. I like the movies too.”

“Good,” Deacon dipped another fry in his shake, “Add that to the list. Sex, food, sports and movies.”

“Sounds perfect,” Nick agreed as he dipped another French fry as well, “Like a lifetime plan.”


As they made their way to the drugstore around the corner to Deacon’s building the streets were less crowded then when they’d headed out earlier. They took their time, strolling along and enjoying the gorgeous night as they leisurely swung their joined hands between them. D pointed in different directions as he told Nick about varied ethnic restaurants he liked and stores he enjoyed shopping at, all places he informed Nick he planned on taking him sooner or later. Nick was overjoyed every time D made the assumption they’d have all of the time in the world together because there was nothing Nick wanted more than to spend the rest of his days, and nights, with Deacon.

They were more than half way home, walking along a deserted side street when the sound of a bottle breaking behind them came followed by an audible “Faggots.” in a male voice.  Nick glanced at D, whose jaw clenched at the obscenity, than feinted looking at a closed store front when he was really checking his peripheral. He was aware that they were being followed for a little while now and had even tried to increase their speed to get them to Delaware Avenue where there were more people and the streets well lit. If he’d been alone he would have turned around right now to confront the assholes that were behind them and actually hope they were looking to get their asses beat, but he had Deacon with him. It wasn’t that he thought D wasn’t able to handle himself, hell he grew up in those God forsaken mountains and was Ty’s brother for Christ sake, but you never knew what kind of weapons these street hoodies liked to hide, and competent or not, D wasn’t trained in these kinds of situations.

“I’m going to squeeze your hand before I let go,“ Nick informed Deacon in a low, calm voice, “When I do I want you to get to Delaware Ave as fast as you can and call the cops.”

“No, fuck that.” Deacon said as he shot Nick a sideways glare. “I’m not leaving you when I can help.”

“I know you’re capable, D.” Nick assured him, “But if I know you’re in harm’s way I’ll be distracted and could end up getting us both hurt. Please, baby, don’t argue with me. Not now.” Nick kept his voice even but stern, letting Deacon know he wasn’t going to budge, “When you get there turn left. I’ll meet you in front of that martini bar.”

Deacon glanced at him once more with a weary look and Nick could tell an argument was on the tip of his tongue. “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Nick continued, cutting off anything D was about to say, “These fuckers are nothing compared to the many situations I’ve been in.”

“Fine.” Deacon huffed through clenched teeth, “But for the record I don’t fucking like it.”

Nick gave him a small nod, and judging by the footfalls behind them Nick didn’t want the homophobic assholes getting any closer. He gave Deacon’s hand a quick squeeze before releasing it and turned around. He heard the flip flop of Deacon’s shoes increase, letting Nick know he’d actually listened and was immediately flooded with relief because he was scared Deacon wasn’t going to.

There were three of them, on the left a tall black dude with corn rows, a short skinny white dude wearing a red baseball cap in the middle, and a chubby Hispanic guy of average height on the right. They were all dressed in baggy jeans and shirts of varying hues that were a few sizes too big with gold chains around their necks. They weren’t sporting any colors that Nick could distinguish, so probably not gang bangers, just some twenty something punks looking for trouble. Well kids, trouble has arrived, Nick thought with a leer.

“Where’s your boyfriend going?” Snoop Dogg drawled as they continued to approach. “Going to get ready to have his fudge packed?” the three of them snickered and Nick sighed.

“That’s very poetic,” Nick said, “Your mother must have raised you well between hits on her crack pipe.”

“Don’t talk about my moms, faggot.” Snoop spat.

“Don’t talk about my man, son.” Nick smiled evilly.

“Aw, are you gonna defend his honor?” the white guy asked with a pout. “One fag defending another, how cute.”

“Wow, you guys have such a wide vocabulary, it’s astounding really. How far did you get in school? The Third grade?” All the while this ridiculous conversation went on Nick was paying attention to his surroundings, the broken bottle in the gutter if he needed it, the brick building to his right. He also was eyeing the others, how they moved, if it looked like they were concealing any weapons, and in the meantime he was shifting his own feet around and coiling his muscles getting ready for the attack.

Snoop Dogg was the one to move first, steeping off of the curb to circle around behind Nick while Eminem tried to keep him engaged. Chubby boy was silent though, and Nick had a feeling he was going to be the toughest to take down.

“Bet you’re not so mouthy when you have a cock shoved down your throat.” Em spat.

“Hmm, I do enjoy that,” Nick antagonized, “But I’m taken.” He nodded towards the silent Hispanic, “But Big Pun looks like he might enjoy it.”

He didn’t wait to see if there was a response, he spun around when he knew Snoop was in reach and grabbed the gold chain around his neck before he had a chance to do anything.  Nick yanked him forward, slamming an elbow into his face before swinging him around in front so he could keep an eye on the other two while wrapping the chain around his neck to choke him. Nick clocked Snoop in the temple with a quick jab and released him as he went limp.

Em and Pun stared at him a moment and Nick held out his hand, motioning white boy forward with a curl of his fingers, “Just because I’m in a relationship doesn’t mean I can’t dance. Let’s go.”

Eminem blinked at Nick and glanced down at his friend laid out on the pavement. He tapped Big Pun’s Buddha belly, “Get that butt fucker.” He uttered before lunging forward. Nick didn’t give them time to gang up on him, he moved quickly to the left and grabbed whitey’s arm, twisted it behind him and shoved him into brown round without letting go. Big Pun lost his balance and reached for Em too late because Nick had already pulled him back and yanked his arm up even higher. Em struggled in Nick’s arms with a yelp but Nick bent him over as he brought up his knee. He heard, as well as felt, the snap as Em’s nose broke and blood splattered Nick’s thigh. Nick pushed him forward hard, making sure forehead connected with the brick before releasing him to turn on Big Pun who was advancing, his hand going under his three ex shirt.

Nick just prayed he wasn’t going for a gun as he lunged for Pun’s arm with such momentum that he went air born enough to tackle him, causing them both to land on the ground. Nick got a quick look of a switchblade skidding away than he scrambled up the mound of man before Pun got the better of him. As the larger man sat up Nick maneuvered behind him and wrapped his limbs around him like an anaconda. Nick leaned forward using his weight, and the vice of his limbs, to tire Pun out as he struggled. He slid his right arm around Pun’s to keep it incapacitated and inched his left up until he was able to link it around the thick neck in a choke hold. He tilted them to the side, using the pavement to hold down big boy’s other arm and tucked his head to prevent it from getting butted. Pun’s resistance increased but to no avail, lying on his side and with Nick’s attached to him like a giant tick, it was nearly impossible to find purchase to fight. This was a long practiced and well utilized move on Nick’s part, and Nick’s adrenaline was in full force making the procedure all the more accurate.

“Just go to sleep, big guy.” Nick uttered to him as he readjusted his grip. Slowly the thrashing form the man in his arms became weaker until finally he jerked once and then was out with an actual snore. Nick was just releasing him with a sigh of satisfaction, glad that it was all over without life threatening injury to anyone involved, when he heard a scuttle behind him. He turned his head to see Eminem standing there, blood streaming from his nose to his mouth and holding the six inch switch blade in his fist within striking distance. For the split second before the blade came down Nick cursed himself for letting his guard down. It was so unlike him, and never would have happened years ago, damn he was getting old. He twisted so the meaty part of his shoulder was in striking range, figuring it was the least fatal part to take the blow, as he prepared himself for the pain and the fight that would resume afterwards.

The blade never connected. Out of the corner of Nick’s eye he saw a tall figure come out of nowhere and clock the skinny dude in the face so hard he went sprawling with a groan. Nick blinked and looked up into hazel eyes; and damn those eyes held so much; fear, anger, concern, determination and love, so much fucking love that Nick was momentarily dazed.

“Are you okay?” Deacon asked with a shaky voice.

“Yeah, yeah,” Nick nodded and accepted D’s hand of assistance to help him to his feet. They both took a quick look around, Big Pun was snoring, Snoop Dog was crouched on the curb in a daze and Eminem was moaning in a ball with his face in his hands.

“I told you to wait at the bar,” Nick said when their eyes returned to each other.

“And I saved your ass,” D reminded him, then shook his hand and gripped it, “Fuck! I forgot how much it hurt to punch someone. Hadn’t had to do that since college.”

“My hero,” Nick grinned as he stepped over to Deacon and took his hand in his, “Thank you.” He examined D’s hand, moving the fingers and giving it a few squeezes.

“Ow, what the hell,” Deacon protested but he let Nick finish his assessment.

“I don’t think anything’s broken, but we’ll ice it tonight and see how it looks in the morning.” Nick gave Deacon’s hand a kiss before letting it go, “Did you call the police?”

“Yeah,” D nodded as he checked out his hand himself, “They should be here soon. I wasn’t supposed to hang up, but when I saw you had the last guy down and started my way back…then that other guy got back up…I barely got my phone back in my pocket because I started running…”

Nick could see that Deacon was visibly shaken and Nick went over to him and ran a hand down his arm. “It’s ok, baby. We’re good. I’m good. You saved the day.” He gave D a smile to try to sooth his frayed nerves. Nick actually felt giddy, like he usually did after a fight or anything that got his adrenaline pumping, but Deacon wasn’t made that way. He was tough, yeah, but he was more calm, probably more of a lover. He was such a great guy that Nick couldn’t imagine anyone even not liking D let alone wanting to try to kick his ass.

The sirens in the distance were getting louder, and Nick figured that was the Calvary and was thankful that this whole mess would be over soon. “God I can’t wait to get you back home.” He said with a wink, “That was fucking hot the way you punched that guy out. I’m so fucking hard for you right now.”

Deacon snorted and shook his head before turning it to face the cop car that had just pulled onto the street.


Nick being a fellow officer and the talkative guy he was, things went smoothly with the Philadelphia PD. They took Deuce and Nick’s statements, and after getting an EMT to look over the idiot trio, arrested them and hauled them away. The officer that took their statements said it looked like a pretty cut and dry case, but that he’s contact them if he needed anything else. He gave them a ride back to the penthouse and after a friendly goodbye and a speculative look from the valet, the five oh were on their way and Deacon and Nick were finally headed up to D’s place. Nick wasn’t kidding when he’d told Deacon he was hard for him earlier and he could barely control himself from ravaging D right there on the street. They had to share the elevator on the ride up with an old woman holding a small dog in a Rhine stone collar so they weren’t able to touch, but the sexual tension between them was electric. Nick could practically feel the heat coming off of D, and by the way Deacon was carefully avoiding Nick’s gaze with a sexy smirk on his face, it was obvious he could feel it too.

They’d barley made it in the front door when they turned towards each other and Nick slammed him against the wall. Their mouths came together hungrily, and Deacon fisted his hands in the material at the back of Nick’s tee shirt. “Fuck, Nick, I want you so bad.” He utter when their mouths parted briefly.

Nick grunted, pushing D’s shirt up and over his head roughly before bringing their mouths back together. Jesus he needed to be inside of Deacon now. Chances were he was clean. He’d been tested two months ago, full workup with a clean bill of health, and he hadn’t been with anyone but Deacon since. Actually, it’d been even longer than that since he’d had sex with anyone, and even then it was with Jenna and Nick knew she didn’t sleep around. D’s arguments for going bareback seemed to make perfect sense right about now.

“Need you,” Nick muttered against D’s neck while he started to walk them blindly backwards.

“Then have me.” Deacon breathed desperately, snaking his hand between them to rub Nick’s erection. “Fuck me, Nick…please...” Please. Jesus Deacon was killing him. He was going to come in his shorts before he even had a chance to rock out with his cock out.

Nick’s ass bumped into the ledge of something hard. He broke their kiss to look over his shoulder, “Fuck, table. Went the wrong way.”

“Don’t care.” Deacon said through gritted teeth as he eagerly pulled Nick’s shirt over his head, ripping the hem in the process. He brought his mouth to one of Nick’s nipples and sucked on it before saying against his skin. “Just fuck me here…can’t wait...want you inside me now.”

Nick growled low in his chest, his resolve not to fuck without a condom gone. He spun Deacon around roughly and bent him over the dining room table by pushing a palm between his shoulder blades, giving him a firm press once he was down, “Stay.” He said sternly.

“Fuck…” Deacon whispered as a tremble passed through him under Nick’s hand.

Nick let go and turned around, his eyes searching for something he could use for lubrication. The first thing he saw was a bottle of fancy looking Olive oil and Nick quickly went over and grabbed it off of the counter. He stepped back behind Deacon and asked, his voice low, “You wanna get fucked? Is that what you want?”

“Fuck yeah…” Deacon rasped and tilted his perfectly round little ass up in the air. Oh yeah, he was getting fucked. Nick couldn’t stop now if his life depended on it.

“Oh, I’m gonna fuck you.” Nick rumbled, he reached around to release D’s cock then forcibly tugged his swim trunks down, “Gonna fuck you so hard and so good you’re not gonna walk tomorrow.”

“Oh yeah, baby. Fuck me,” Deacon pleaded as he widened his stance as much as the trunks around his ankles would allow and reached back to hold his ass cheeks apart. Nick tipped over the oil, a thin stream coming out of the narrow silver top and drizzling down D’s open crack and over that tight pink knot.

Fuck, that was hot, Nick thought as he ran his fingers over D’s opening, getting his fingers lubed in the process before he set the bottle on the table next to Deacon. He watched in the dim light coming in from the big windows as he slowly inserted his middle finger, hissing over how good it looked and felt.

“Just fuck me, Nick…”Deacon turned his head to peer over his shoulder, “Jesus, I need your cock now.”

Nick smiled and grabbed the olive oil once more to grease his cock. He set the bottle aside and lined up the tip of his dick to D’s opening. He gripped D’s hip with his other hand and thrust forward hard with a grunt, knowing it was the only way to make it past the tight sphincter, but hoped he didn’t hurt Deacon.

“God, yeah,” Deacon moaned and shivered, the pleasure in his voice easing Nick’s worry. Nick was beginning to realize that Deacon was kinkier then he’d originally thought. 

Nick grabbed Deacon’s wrists, pinning them at the small of his back and began to pump intensely; the sound of their bodies slapping together punctuated by their moans.

“Yeah, take that cock,” Nick uttered as he panted; he switched his hold on D’s wrists into one hand and grabbed his hip again, pounding into that luscious ass rigorously. Holy shit Deacon felt incredible. So hot and tight around him, taking everything Nick had to offer and pushing back to ask for more. Nick hadn’t gone without a condom in twenty years and he had forgotten how much sensation was lost to the latex.  “Fuck, Deacon you feel amazing…love fucking your sweet ass.”

“Yeah, Nicky, give it to me…fuck me…feels so good…” D was chanting in between loud moans and those tantalizing sounds he always made when he was fucking or getting fucked. Nick thrust relentlessly, grunting when their pelvises met, clutching Deacon’s wrists and hip tight enough to leave bruises. “I’m gonna come…Oh, God…Nicky.” Deacon shuttered as he tightened around Nick’s cock, shouting his name as he groaned long and loud. Jesus, his cock hadn’t even been touched, and Nick found the fact that he’d made D made come just by fucking him incredibly erotic.

He let go of Deacon’s wrists so he could clasp onto his other hip and pushed all the way in, gyrating his hips a few times. “Fuck, Deacon…” He started to piston his hips again, his body covered in sweat, a bead sliding down his nose to drip onto Deacon’s back.

“Keep fucking me,” Deacon whimpered, his hand slithering around to stroke his still hard dick, “I think…I think I’m gonna come again…holy shit.”

Nick wiped his forearm over his face, his breath ragged as he worked his hips, fucking Deacon as hard as he could while trying to maintain just the right angle. “Good?”

“So good…so fucking good…” Deacon gritted out, “Oh fuck Nicky…Oh God, oh God…” Nick was right at the edge, his body tingling with pleasure when Deacon’s body pulsated around his cock once again, pulling him deeper as D cried out.

The sensation was enough to push Nick over the edge. He pulled out quickly, unsure if D wanted him to come inside, and stroked his cock, watching as his load shot out onto Deacon’s back and ass. “Oh…fuck…” Nick murmured, licking his lips as he milked every last drop out of his shaft.

He continued to leisurely stroke himself even though there was nothing left, running his fingers through his come on Deacon’s skin feeling overly spent yet finding the sight sensual. “Jesus, baby, you’re gonna be the death of me.”

Deuce whimpered softly in response, unable to bring himself to let go of the edge of the table, his body still twitching and shuddering from the two orgasms and the feel of Nick’s come on his back and ass. He didn’t even feel his knees buckle as his forehead hit the table lightly, his death grip on the tables edge the only thing keeping him from hitting the floor.

Nick frowned slightly as he caught his breath, his brow furrowing in worry at the sight of D barely clinging to the table. Shit, had he been too rough? “D…?” he asked cautiously, bending over him to lightly kiss Deacon’s neck and shoulders.

The worry started to grow when Deuce didn’t even move a muscle, his eyes closed, breath still unsteady. “Deacon.” He said a little more urgently, already imagining how he was going to die when Ty found out that he had fucked his brother to death.

Deuce’s eyes finally fluttered open as he turned his head slightly to look over his shoulder at Nick, his gaze slightly unfocused as he lifted his head for a kiss.

Nick pressed his lips to Deuce’s, giving him a soft but very relieved kiss. “You okay…?”

“Can’t feel my fucking legs…” Deuce murmured softly, a sleepy but satisfied grin crossing his face. “Not complaining…”

Laughter rang out as Nick kissed Deuce’s back, pushing up to his feet once he felt steady. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

“Can’t go to bed… can’t fucking move… just sleep here.” Deuce insisted sleepily, finally relaxing his death grip on the table as he tried to push himself up.

“I’d carry you, but my ribs are fucking killing me…” Nick sounded apologetic as he ran his fingers through his own hair. “But if you wanted, I could try…” he stepped over to the sink, getting a warm wash cloth before moving back over to Deuce, gently cleaning him up before doing the same to himself, tossing the cloth back toward the sink to deal with the next morning.

Deuce shook his head slightly, an involuntary whimper leaving his throat at the feel of the rough cloth moving over his sensitive hole. “No, no I’m okay…” He pushed himself back from the table, swaying unsteadily on his feet. “Or maybe not…”

Nick couldn’t help but laugh as he slid his good arm around Deuce’s waist. “Come on, I’ll help and then we can get some sleep, yeah?”

Deuce made a sound of agreement as they made their way down the hall to the master bedroom, not even bothering turning on the lights as Nick helped him to the bed. “So fucking amazing, baby…” he smiled over at Nick once they were both cuddled under the blankets in the dark, Nick wrapped around him, his chest pressed against Deuce’s back.

“Always amazing… get some sleep. It’s been a long day…” Nick smiled as he closed his eyes, feeling Deuce’s breathing begin to even out. “Love you…”

When he didn’t get an immediate answer, Nick nuzzled the back of Deuce’s neck, assuming that he had already fallen asleep and started to drift off himself. He was almost asleep when the words reached his ears, Deuce’s voice thick with sleep. “Love you too, Nicky.”


Path to pool/gym

Darling's Diner

Nick's songs of the day

"At Last" ~ Etta James

"Snoop Bounce Remix" ~ Snoop Dogg and Rage Against the Machine

"Anything Goes" ~ Guns and Roses

1 comment:

  1. Still smiling - Awesome read - well worth the wait

    Guns N Roses was a great choice!

    <3 R
