FRIDAY - 25 May 2012
Nick couldn’t get off of work
early to pick Deuce up from the airport so he rented a town car to transport D
from Logan International to Boston Harbor Marina. He had the car pick Johnny up
first and left him with instructions to meet Deuce and explain the situation
and make sure he got settled on the boat. Johnny was a kid Nick had rescued
from the streets a few years ago and had gotten into foster care. Since then,
Nick has given him, or gotten him, odd jobs to do to help with pocket money
while he took agricultural classes at the local college. Nick also slipped him
some extra money on the side from time to time but Johnny liked to earn his
keep. Having seen what Johnny had come from, and what he was working hard to
become, Nick was proud of the kid, and he felt a vested interest in Johnny’s
Deuce groaned as he gripped the
seat in front of him, using it to push himself into a standing position,
shaking his head slightly as he looked around the crowded plane. If he hadn't screwed up the dates of the
conference, he would have been able to get a first class seat, but since he
hadn't realized his mistake in time, he was stuck with a very cramped seat in
coach. Even with the supposed extra leg-room the airline boasted about having,
his six-foot-four frame was very cramped in the tiny seats. And, with his luck
being what it was, he was stuck with a window seat and no way to stretch his
legs. He was just thankful that the flight was only an hour and a half. Any
longer and he just might have snapped and killed something just to get off the
When the aisle was finally clear
enough for him to get out with relative ease, he eased himself out, his hand
absently rubbing his injured leg as he reached his other hand up to open the
overhead bin, pulling his duffel bag out and slung it over his shoulder. When
he finally made it into the airport, he laughed at the idiots that were staring
at the still empty baggage carousel. He never checked baggage unless he was
desperate. It saved so much time and he never had the patience to deal with the
crowds. He gave the airport another once-over before making his way toward the
exit, his eyes scanning the crowds for Nick. He was a little confused when he
didn't see the strawberry blonde anywhere, but the appearance of a young man in
his peripheral vision caught his eye and caused him to turn. He was surprised
when the young man knew his name, but the quick explanation left him laughing
and following Johnny to the car.
The ride to Boston Harbor was
anything but quiet, not that Deuce had a chance to get a word in edge-wise.
From the moment he got into the car with Johnny, the kid never once stopped
talking, and the subject of each and every conversation was the one and only
Nick O'Flaherty. Deuce couldn't help but smile at the obvious hero-worship that
was going on with Johnny. From what he
could tell, Johnny was a good kid and he could think of worse people to look up
to. Nick was a good guy and he'd help the kid out however he could.
When Deuce finally found himself
alone in Nick's place, in blessed peace and quiet, he slowly took in everything
that was surrounding him, shaking his head slightly at the fact that he was
standing on a fucking yacht. And people thought he was showing off when he
moved into a penthouse... but somehow, the yacht just seemed right for Nick. It
was crazy, but Deuce suddenly couldn't imagine the cop living anywhere
else. He glanced over at the clock on
the wall, Nick wouldn't be home for hours and he needed to find a way to keep
himself busy. He chewed on his lower lip as he glanced around the room, telling
himself that no matter how much he wanted to do it to soothe his curiosity,
snooping wouldn't make the best first impression of the first time that he and
Nick were actually alone together without Ty around.
A few minutes later, Deuce found
himself shoulder-deep in the refrigerator, pulling out a can of Dr. Pepper and
grabbing a bag of potato chips off of the counter, kicking his shoes off as he
made his way back to the living room. "Maybe I can get some work
He pulled his Mac out of the bag,
settling in with his feet propped up on the coffee table, opening up a few
files and setting into work, letting patients and case files completely consume
him as he relaxed into the black leather couch.
For the first time in a long time
Nick was looking forward to getting off duty and going home. It was sort of
nice knowing there’d be someone there waiting for him. Not only would it break
up the monotony of either hanging at McFadden’s with the usual suspects or
sitting home alone, he had to admit he was looking forward to hanging with
Deuce as well. He’d first met D about fifteen years ago when Ty had taken Nick
home on leave that year. Deuce was cool, and unlike Nick’s volatile
relationship with his own older brother, Ty and Deuce were close. There wasn’t
any sibling rivalry or competition there; they were more like partners in crime
and Nick really admired that.
He’d hung out with Deuce several
times over the years, always in Ty’s presence of course, and he always liked
and respected D. Like Ty, he was a bit of a smart ass, but unlike Ty who was a
bundle of nerves always looking for an outlet much like Nick was himself, D was
calmer, more settled and level headed. Although Nick always viewed Deuce as
Ty’s kid brother, even though they weren’t even two years apart, lately he’d
gotten to know Deuce a bit better and was starting to see him as a potential
friend in his own right. They’d been chatting on the computer, sending the
occasional text and even exchanged a phone call or two. D seemed to sense
Nick’s unrest of late and had reached out to him on a professional level as
well. He even made some phone calls for Nick, and hooked him up with a
therapist in Boston, though Nick had yet to make an appointment with her,
still, it was a very thoughtful gesture and Nick found it kind of touching. So
yeah, he was looking forward to spending some time alone with Deuce and really
getting to know him better, especially after sitting next to him at dinner two
weeks ago after the Team Sidewinder outing. They didn’t get to talk all that
much, but they were able to sneak in quick conversations here and there and
Nick had to admit he’d felt a spark between them. Yeah, it was most likely one
sided, but that was okay, it would still be fun to hang out together and crush
on Deuce secretly a little bit.
He entered the salon to find
Deuce sitting on the black leather sectional hunched over a laptop perched on
his lap.
“Hey D.”
Deuce looked up with a smile,”Oh,
hey Nick.” He placed his computer on the coffee table as he stood in greeting,
“I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Yeah, I’m sneaky like that,”
Nick smiled back as they did the whole clasped hands, cross hug, pat on the
back bro thing. Nick looked him over.
“You settled in ok?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Deuce nodded,
“Johnny hooked me up. He made sure to point out the Dr. Pepper in the fridge
and the Ruffles you bought, thanks for that by the way, and he even insisted on
carrying my bag to my room.”
“Good, good.” Nick rubbed the
back of his neck, “I won’t have to whip him then.”
“Yes, please don’t do that.”
Deuce rolled his eyes with a smirk. He looked around the spacious salon, “Some
place you’ve got here.”
“Eh, its home.” Nick shrugged,
feeling slightly ashamed by the ostentatious appearance of the yacht. His
buddies teased him and made him feel like he was a show off for buying it, but
he’d always loved the water and figured if he was going to live on it, he might
as well do it comfortably. If he was being honest though, their ribbing did
sting a bit.
“It’s a little more than a home
my friend,” Deuce chuckled, “It’s a fucking floating mansion.” D pursed his
lips, “hmm…that explains it.”
“Explains what?” Nick asked,
feeling the familiar defenses rise as he waiting to see what D had to add.
“Johnny,” Deuce said, feigning a
serious face with furrowed brows and all. “He is your butler, right?”
Nick relaxed immediately when it
appeared D was truly just teasing for fun and not to imply that Nick was a show
“Housekeeper actually.” Nick replied with a
smile, “Wasn’t he wearing his French maid’s outfit?”
“Oh God,” Deuce shook his head as
he sat back down on the sofa, “I really don’t want to know.”
“Nah, he’s just a kid I like to
help out.” Nick laughed, “Monetarily only.” He clarified.
“He told me.” Deuce nodded with a
small smile, “The whole story. He likes to talk that one.”
“Oh God yeah,” Nick slid his
hands into the pockets of his uniform pants, feeling his cheeks flush. He may
be more blondish brown then red, but he still possessed the full brunt of that
damn ginger flushing gene. “Sorry about that. I hope he didn’t drive you bat
“Not at all, he’s a nice kid.”
Deuce tilted his head slightly, as if to study Nick from the inside, and Nick
felt his blush spread farther. Jesus, what did that kid tell D? Maybe Johnny
was going to get that whipping after all.
Nick cleared his throat and
shrugged, deciding to change the subject, “So, you hungry?”
Deuce nodded, “I could eat.” He
motioned toward his computer, “Got caught up in some work and skipped lunch,
just had a bag of chips.” He sighed, “And ya know, they don’t even give you
nuts on the damn plane anymore.”
“I know, cheap fuckers.” Nick
agreed, “Well, I’m gonna go take a quick shower and get ready.” He said as he
looked at his watch “I made reservations for that seafood place I told you
about, since I won the bet and all you promised to take me somewhere fancy.”
Nick gave D a quick wink, “We should leave in about forty five, yeah?”
Nick and Deuce had bet on the Red
Sox/Phillies games, best out of three. Even though the Sox had beaten the Phills,
Nick didn’t have any intention of really letting Deuce pay for dinner. So what
it wasn’t a real date, Nick would still enjoy it. Besides, D had already picked
up the check for the last dinner they’d shared together.
“Yeah, sounds good, glad I
brought the big credit card.” Deuce answered with a smirk, placing his Mac back
on his lap, “I’ll just finish up here and get changed.”
Nick nodded and headed for the
stairs that led down to his room, but paused before his descent to take another
look at Deuce. He was a good looking man, no denying that. He was a little
taller than Ty, not as broad and muscular but definitely fit. There was an
unquestionable family resemblance there, possessing the same full lips, dark
hair and hazel eye combination that drove Nick wild, yet he didn’t see Ty when
he looked at Deuce. No, D had grown into a man all his own. Yup he sure had,
but a man off limits none the less. Definitely. Off. Limits. In bold flashing
lights and sirens. He wasn’t just his best friend’s little brother, he was also
straight and had a girlfriend. Yeah, Nick shook his head as he made his way
down the spiral staircase, way off limits. He had a feeling he may have to
remind himself of that more than a few times in the next several days.
When Nick disappeared downstairs,
Deuce sighed softly as he cocked his head, watching him go with an amused
expression on his face. He had known Nick for years; they had met years before
when he was home on break from college. He had no idea that Ty was planning on
coming to visit during his spring break and when he tackled his brother in
greeting, he realized that they were being laughed at by the Marine that was
standing behind them. Ty had left his arm where it was around Deuce's shoulders
as he introduced him to Nick. There was a quick and easy friendship formed
between the three of them and they spent the week in the woods just being young
and getting to know one another. It had
been a great week that ended up with all three of them getting poison ivy, but
in Deuce's opinion, it was worth it.
The past few weeks of chatting
with Nick online had been more than a little interesting. He had been oblivious to the fact that Nick
was flirting at first, but as time passed, it started to become hard to ignore.
And then when he was feeling brave, he couldn't help but tease the Irishman
back. There was something about it that just felt right despite the fact that
he was a taken man. Though that didn't stop the fact that he found himself
thinking about Nick when he was lying awake at night. He couldn't quite figure
out why, but whatever it was, it was different and he wasn't quite sure what to
make of it. A quick glance at the clock on his computer told him that he had
spent entirely too much time thinking about Nick (again) and that if he didn't
get a move on he was going to still be sitting on the couch when Nick came back
upstairs. He shook his head to clear his thoughts as he closed the files and
then the computer, leaving it where it was on the coffee table, knowing it
would be safe from prying eyes.
Deuce made his way into the spare
cabin, quickly changing into a pair of pants and his favorite blue shirt,
knowing from past experience that the shirt looked good on him. And maybe he just
wanted to impress someone tonight. When he made his way back to the main level,
he gave Nick a subtle once-over, noticing that the shirt he was wearing was a
perfect match to his eyes.
"So, we all ready to
go?" he asked as he slipped on his shoes, doing a quick pocket pat-down to
make sure that he had his wallet and phone. He may have been away from Philly,
but he could always get emergency calls at any time. He was keeping his fingers
crossed though, for a relaxing few days with no emergencies.
Nick put on his good watch and
dressed in nice black pants with a soft green button down. Not because the
color brought out the ivy leaf hue in his eyes, or because he was trying to
impress Deuce or anything. Nope. He didn’t have much of a chance to dress up, so
it was just nice to be able to do so, end of. He put some gel in his hair to
tame the unruly curls that popped up whenever he needed a haircut. Whatever. It
was a nice restaurant and he had to look presentable was all.
D dressed in dark grey slacks and
a blue button down that Nick thought looked fan-fucking-tastic on him; just in
a man innocently admiring another man’s good looks kind of way of course.
“Yeah,” Nick finally answered,
realizing a bit too late what Deuce had asked. He’d been momentarily distracted
by the man who’d spoken. “Let’s roll.”
Nick had made reservations at
Anthony’s Pier Four, a fairly upscale seafood joint located right on the
Harbor. He’d always wanted to eat there
since he was a kid but never seemed to find the chance. He loved his boys from
town but they certainly wouldn’t know how to act there, and he surely never
cared enough about any girl he was fucking to want to impress her or lead her
into thinking he wanted something more serious than he did. He considered bringing his Gran once or
twice, but he knew she’d just complain about the prices. He could hear her now,
‘Nicky, this is ridiculous, twelve
dollars for a bowl of lobster bisque that I can make better myself?’ He figured the next time Ty and Zane were
in Boston for play instead of work he’d bring them, but when the opportunity
arose with this visit from Deuce he couldn’t pass up the chance.
As soon as they were seated at a
table for two Nick realized his mistake. With the white table cloth, candle
light and view of the harbor it was awfully romantic. Sure Nick enjoyed
flirting with Deuce electronically and D was always good natured about it, but
he didn’t want Deuce to think he was trying to seduce him and run for the
hills. He tentatively peaked at Deuce from over the leather bound menu but
Deuce was looking out over the harbor, a small smile on his lips, seemingly
taking it all in stride.
“Nice view,” Deuce said, turning
his head towards Nick, his eyes lingering on the water a moment longer before
meeting Nick’s, “All of the twinkly lights on the boats anchored out there.”
“Yeah,” Nick agreed, slowly
turning to look out of the window, having a hard time prying his eyes from the
view he was truly referring to, “I love the water.”
“Figured,” Deuce smirked, “With
you living on a yacht and all.”
“It’s just a boat,” Nick shrugged
as he turned his attention back to his menu.
“Why do you do that?” Deuce asked
after a moment.
Nick flicked his eyes back up to
look at his handsome dinner companion, “Do what?”
“Get all weird about the…boat,” he lifted his eyebrows, “I
noticed it before. It’s like you're ashamed or something.”
“No,” Nick shook his head,
“Not…ashamed. Just…” he shook his head again.
“Just?” Deuce crossed his hands over his menu, leaning slightly forward.
“I don’t know. My buddies
sometimes give me a hard time. Like they think I’ve changed because I have
money now. It’s not true though. I’m still…I mean I have changed but not in
that way. I’ve…grown up I guess.” Nick smirked and wiggled his eyebrows adding,
“You shouldn’t let what they say
bother you,” Deuce said, ignoring Nick’s attempt at lightening the subject,
“You deserve everything you have you know? You nearly died for your country. I
may not know exactly what you and Ty went through, but I have a fairly good
idea. Besides, you still risk your life at your job to protect people now. So
don’t let them, or anyone else, make you feel bad about what you’ve more than
earned the right to have.”
Nick nodded, unable to form
words. Damn Deuce. How did he do that? Read Nick and make him admit something
he’d never said out loud before. Make him feel so damn good with just a few
simple sentences. Because it’s his job
asshole, his brain reminded him, it’s
not because you’re anything special to him. He probably makes everyone feel
that way.
When a pretty blond waitress came
over to their table and introduced herself as Rebecca, Nick flirted briefly out
of habit. Deuce teasingly promised her he’d keep Nick under control before she
started to read off the specials. Nick lost focus after King Salmon Gravlax, which was pretty much the first thing out of
her mouth. He couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at Deuce’s perfect
profile as D nodded and smiled, asking the occasional question as he listened
intently to what the blonde was pimping. Fuck, it wasn’t like this was the
first time he’d been around Deuce, what was his problem? Why was he suddenly
enraptured by Deuces looks, the way he talked with just a hint of West
Virginian twang, every little gesture he made with his long fingered hands? Why
did he want nothing more than to say fuck seafood and drag Deuce into the
nearest bathroom to have his cock for dinner instead?
“Nick?” Deuce’s voice broke
through Nick’s revelry.
Nick blinked his attention into
focus and noticed D and the server staring at him expectantly and felt that
damn blush return. What the fuck? He hadn’t blushed this much since he got caught
jerking off in the bathrooms at St. Bridgit’s when he was twelve and sister
Anne made him write, I will keep my hand
in appropriate places fifty times on the chalk board in front of his
snickering seventh grade class.
“I’ll give you guys a minute and
come back.” Rebecca smiled at them both before walking away.
“Where’d you go?” Deuce asked
with a slight tilt of his head.
Nick shook his head and looked
back at the menu, bouncing his leg on the ball of his foot, “Anything sound
“The steamed clam linguine
sounded interesting,” Deuce answered, perusing his menu, “But I think I’m going
to skip the appetizers and get a salad and the Cajun Style Yellow Tuna. What
about you?”
“I’m probably going to have the
Roasted Seafood combo. A little bit of everything.”
“You and your commitment issues.”
Deuce teased.
Nick smiled, “Yeah well, why
settle for one when there are plenty of fish in the sea.”
Deuce snorted with a shake of his
head, “Oh Nick, your puns. You’re slowly torturing me, you know that right?”
Nick just smiled at him, thinking
the feelings mutual buddy. “Let’s get
the raw bar platter for an appetizer and we can split.”
Deuce scrunched his face up, “Ew,
“Raw oysters and clams? No
thanks. “Deuce answered, “I don’t particularly fancy swallowing slimy shit.”
That’s okay baby you can spit, I won’t be offended. Fuck. Nick
needed to get a grip and focus. They weren’t discussing blow jobs for fuck’s
sake. “Have you ever tried it, ah...them?”
“No. And I think it’s safe to say
I never will.”
“Oh, I so disagree with that
sentiment.” On so many levels. “You
can’t knock something until you try it.”
“In this case, trust me; I don’t
need to know firsthand that I’m not going to enjoy it.”
“Oh baby, you are so wrong.”
Deuce raised an eyebrow at the term of endearment. Nick laughed it off. Thank
God his playful flirting had gone on long enough that the slip of his tongue
could be chalked up to harmless fun. “Listen, order whatever you’d like, I’m getting
the raw shit and maybe when it comes I’ll be able to convince you.”
“Don’t hold your breath.” Deuce
Funny he’d said that, because
dammit if Nick suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe.
Bright hazel eyes watched Nick
from across the table, carefully studying the other man’s sudden flush and
hesitant words. Sure, Nick had been flirting with him for weeks over the
internet, but being called baby in person was something that had thrown Deuce
for a loop. There was no way that he liked it, nope, not at all. At least
that's what he kept telling himself. Nick had always been a flirt, that's
something that Deuce had seen multiple times, especially whenever he was around
Ty. How his brother hadn't realized that his best friend was in love with him
years ago was something that Deuce would never understand. He may not have seen
the Marine that was sitting at the table with him very often over the years,
but even he could see the look of love on his face whenever he looked at his
brother. Deuce knew all too well what Nick felt for Ty, and he just hoped that
the flirting wasn't Nick using him as a replacement for his brother. And there
was that little voice again; the one telling him that just being here was a
mistake. The restaurant was much too romantic for two friends just sharing
dinner, but the other part of him was actually enjoying the closeness of the
table. The fact that their knees had been bumping together under the table
since they sat down had been doing things to him that he just couldn't explain.
And, not for the first time, he found himself cursing his height and his long
Deuce was pulled from his
thoughts by the appearance of their waitress, shaking his head slightly as Nick
started to flirt with the young woman again. "Behave yourself, O'Flaherty,"
he warned with a grin as he looked over at the waitress. "You'll have to
excuse him; his mother dropped him on his head as a baby. Multiple times."
"Hey, now that's not
nice!" Deuce felt the sharp kick connect with his calf, unable to resist
laughing as Nick glared at him from across the table.
Rebecca shook her head slightly,
her professional smile staying in place as she put a gentle hand on Deuce's
shoulder, the smile growing a bit as she felt the sexual tension between the
two of them, knowing that seeing her flirt with his friend would quite possibly
give the two of them the push they needed to get together. She'd seen it happen
a few times, and when the couples came back to the restaurant finally together
and happy, it made her job so much more worthwhile.
"What can I get for you,
honey?" she asked as she squeezed the brunets shoulder, noticing that his
attention was still on the other man at the table.
"I think I'm going to start
off with the Original Pier 34 Salad and the Cajun Style Yellow fin Tuna"
Deuce closed the menu, handing it back to their waitress with a smile, his eyes
traveling over to Nick as he reached down to rub where he had been kicked.
"And for you...?"
Rebecca gave the other man a little grin as she moved her hand off of his
companions shoulder and took his menu from him.
"The Raw Bar Platter and the
Roasted Seafood combination," Nick gave the waitress one of his biggest
smiles as he handed her the menu. "Thank you."
Nick was completely hopeless when
it came to his constant flirting and as much has he hated to admit it, that
particular trait was starting to grow on Deuce. He took a sip of his water
before smiling over at the waitress. "And a glass of your best beer for
both of us, please."
He looked across the top of his
glass at Nick, watching him watch her walk away. "I don't think she's interested in your
Irish charm, sorry." He was discovering that teasing Nick in person was
just as much fun as teasing him over the internet, and this way he got to see
the facial expressions up close and personal.
"Oh, I know she wants me.
Every woman in this restaurant does, and probably some of the men as
well." Of course Nick only had eyes for one person in the restaurant and
it wasn't any of the waitresses or the female clientele. It was the man that
was currently sitting across the table from him that had been occupying his
thoughts since the moment he’d gotten home from work and found D on his couch.
If he was being honest with himself though, it had really started several weeks
before that. When things were purely over the internet, it was easier to ignore
the feelings that were pooling in his groin and in his brain, but seeing the
object of more than a few of his recent fantasies sitting across the table from
him made it hard as hell not to reach out and touch Deuce with something
besides his leg.
"And there's that modesty I
know so well." Deuce laughed as he leaned back in his chair, running his
fingers through this hair. "You know, you're not the only one that's
embarrassed about where they live sometimes."
Nick looked a little confused,
smiling his thanks as the server set their beers down in front of them.
"What do you mean?"
"You've seen where I grew
up. Modest, comfortable, no frills. And you've seen where I live now. A
multi-million dollar penthouse. My friends from when I was a kid wouldn't know
how to react in that place. It's why I go to them whenever we do something
together. Hell, even my own mother refused to touch anything when I first moved
in and dad won't even visit because he hates the place on principle. Even Ty
gives me hell about it, but I wouldn't expect anything else from him. But,
despite what it cost me, I made it comfortable; its home. Someday I'd like to
trade it for a house with a huge yard, but not for a while. Not for just
"It's not just your place
though, yeah? It's your office, you see patients there, so you need someplace
nice." It was nice to know that Nick wasn't the only one that got ragged
on thanks to his choice of living quarters.
"Yeah... but it would have
been just as easy to rent an office space and get a more modest place. But, if
I'm being honest..." a cocky grin crossed Deuce's face as he looked over
at Nick. "I fell in love with that place the moment I saw it. The view is
fucking amazing. Hell, it could have been a crappy place and with that view I
would have paid whatever they wanted me to pay."
Nick was unable to stop himself
from laughing as their appetizers were delivered, “That’s how I felt about the
boat. When I found out it was for sale, I went to look at it on a whim and the
next thing I knew, I was signing the papers that made it mine."
They fell into a comfortable
silence as they started to eat their meals, Deuce unable to stop himself from
gazing out the window at the view of the harbor. He always thought that the
view from the water in Philly was beautiful, but this was putting it to shame.
"I still can't believe
you're eating that..." he finished his salad and sat back, sipping his
beer as he watched Nick finish up what was on his plate.
"Come on, try a bite. I
promise it's amazing." Nick held out his last oyster, motioning for the
other man to take it.
"I'll try it when I'm dead.
Eat the damn thing so I don't have to look at it anymore," he grumbled
good-naturedly as the waitress took away their empty plates as Nick shrugged
and finished off the last oyster.
"Suit yourself, but you know
what they say about oyster’s right?" Nick wiggled his eyebrows.
"You're completely
insane," Deuce muttered softly, winking slightly at Nick to let him know
that he was teasing, making a soft noise of pleasure as his meal was set before
him. "God, this smells amazing!"
The conversation lapsed into
silence once again, both men more focused on their meals than idle chit-chat,
the occasional sounds of happiness at good food was the only thing breaking the
silence. Only when their plates were mostly clear did the conversation begin to
pick back up again.
"Can I interest you
gentlemen in dessert?" Rebecca had appeared at the table once again,
handing them both a smaller menu as their plates were cleared away.
Deuce glanced over the desserts,
his eyes being drawn back over and over again to an old weakness of his: the
pecan pie. As easy as it would be to indulge, he shook his head and laid the
menu on the table with a laugh. "Nothing for me, thanks. I've been
slacking on the gym lately, so I don't get dessert."
“Fuck that – oops, sorry,” Nick
smiled sheepishly at Rebecca.
“I’ve heard worse,” she smirked
and gave them both a nod. “I’ll come back.”
Nick nodded back, “Thanks.” He
returned his gaze back to Deuce and lowered his voice a bit, “Fuck that D, one
little dessert isn’t gonna kill you. Besides, you look fantastic.”
“Oh Nick, always so good for my
ego,” Deuce grinned, “But really. I’m good.”
“Ok.” Nick shrugged, “But what
looked good to you? Just out of curiosity.”
Deuce pursed his lips, “Pecan pie
has always been a favorite of mine.”
“Mmm, me too.” Nick agreed. He
had an insatiable sweet tooth, and truthfully he’d been torn between ordering
the pie or the strawberry cheesecake. Deuce had just helped him make up his
mind. He looked around and caught Rebecca’s eye and motioned her over.
“Did you decide?” She smiled,
directing the question at Nick.
“Yeah, I’ll have the strawberry
cheesecake, and my very fit friend here is going to have the pecan pie.” He
gave Deuce a smile and blinked at him innocently.
“Fine,” Deuce sighed, handing the
dessert menu back to Rebecca, “He wins. Bring on the pie.”
“I had a feeling he was going
to.” Rebecca smiled, “He seems ornery like that.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” D raised
his eyebrows and sighed again as he gave Nick a playful look.
Rebecca giggled, “Your desserts
will be out in a few minutes.”
“Thanks darlin’,” Nick gave her a
wink and turned back to Deuce. “Besides I plan on eating some of yours.”
“Do you?” Deuce snorted, “Well
maybe I don’t want to share.”
Nick leaned back in his chair,
hooking an elbow over the back, “Oh I think I may be able to persuade you to
give me some.”
Aaand here we go again, Nick
thought, back to the sexual innuendoes.
Was Deuce picking up on it? Probably. But with all of the flirting that
Nick had done over the past month, Deuce probably just chalked it up to Nick
being Nick. Good thing. If he knew what Nick was really thinking, that he meant
every word and would like nothing more than to take Deuce home and to his bed,
he’d probably grab his things from the boat and book a room at the nearest
Hilton. Just as well. Ty would fucking have Nick’s head on a platter if he
sensed what was going on in his best friend’s mind regarding his kid brother, and
Ty was just too damn important for Nick to lose. It wasn’t just that he had
been in love with Ty; the guy was also his closest friend. They’d been through
some shit together man, some major shit, and they had a solid bond because of
it. Deep down he always knew nothing would ever come of his romantic feelings
towards his best friend, and recently that fact didn’t seem to sting as much.
Maybe it was because Nick had become friends with Zane, or maybe because he
could see how happy the man made Ty, how good they seemed to fit; regardless,
Nick needed to get a grip on his attraction to Deuce. Besides, it was all
irrelevant anyway, Deuce was straight. He had a girlfriend. Off Limits. Yeah.
But damn Nick never did have any self control. He wanted something; he went for
it, end of. He usually got what he set his mind to as well. Good thing Deuce
wasn’t at all interested.
After dessert, which Deuce did
end up allowing Nick to have a few bites of and Nick convinced D to try some of
his cheesecake as well, Nick suggested they go for a couple of drinks. Deuce
was up for it so Nick drove them to a bar they’d passed on the way to the
restaurant. No way was he taking D to McFadden’s. It wasn’t that he was ashamed
of his buddies, or he thought Deuce wouldn’t like it there; it was more that he
just kind of wanted to keep Deuce all to himself. If they’d gone to Nick’s usual hang out,
they’d be bombarded with companions and they would all expect Nick to be his
usual self. Telling stories of what happened at work, drinking, being the
center of things, and that just didn’t appeal to Nick right now. Hadn’t for
awhile actually. Being with Deuce he felt more relaxed and like himself than he
had in…well, quite a while really, and he wasn’t willing to give that up just
Deuce smiled as he turned on his
bar stool, his back leaning against the bar as he watched Nick talk animatedly
with another man a few feet away. From the way the younger man carried himself
as he laughed and spoke with Nick, it was obvious that it was a case of two
Marines meeting and enjoying themselves. When he had left Nick alone at the bar
to go use the restroom, he had been alone, but when he returned, Nick was
already deep in conversation with the young blond man and Deuce hadn't wanted
to interrupt them, so he simply squeezed Nick's shoulder to let him know that
he was back before going to the bar and taking a seat, content to just watch
the other man.
"Pain in the ass, aren't
they?" a voice asked as a man sat down beside him, a grin on his face. He
must have noticed the look of confusion on Deuce's face, because he nodded
toward Nick and the other man as he clarified. "Marines. No matter where
they are, they always manage to find one another, even if it's date
"Oh, trust me, I know all
about Marine pain in the asses!" Deuce laughed as he smiled over at the
other man. "It's always scary how they seem to become best friends after
five minutes together." He shook his head in amusement as he held his hand
out to the other man. "I'm Deuce, and that over there is Nick."
"Jason. And the cute blond
is Dean. Drives me crazy sometimes but..." he broke off with a slight
grin. "So, how long have you two been together?"
Deuce nearly choked on his drink
at the question, swallowing the mouthful of beer before managing to speak.
"Oh, we're not together, not like that! I'm just crashing at his place. He
and my brother served together and are close. But you two are
together...?" He was blushing, he could feel it, and he was just hoping
that the bar was dark enough to hide it.
Jason just raised an amused
eyebrow at the denial. Like hell there was nothing between the two of them,
even the distance that was separating them couldn't hide the sexual tension or
the fact that this Deuce and Nick couldn't stop looking at one another. "Six years now, officially.
Been in love with him for ten. After he was medically discharged, he finally
decided to say screw what everyone else thought and gave in to what we wanted.
It's been fucking amazing."
Deuce nodded in understanding.
"You can tell he loves you from the way he's looking over here at you. I
wish you guys the best with everything..." he smiled as he watched the two
Marines finally make their way across the bar to where Deuce and Jason were
"We've been talking about
you..." Jason teased with a grin as he pulled Dean into his arms, watching
in amusement as Nick bumped his shoulder against Deuce's as Deuce lifted his head up to speak softly into the other Marines ear.
Deuce smiled over at Nick when he
walked over, leaning in close so that he could be heard in the crowded bar
"You about ready to go...? Sorry to be such a pain, but it's been a long
ass day and I'm exhausted."
“No, absolutely,” Nick downed the
last swallow of his beer and set the empty bottle on the counter to settle the
tab. Deuce protested of course, but Nick insisted and got his way.
They both shook Jason and Dean’s
hands as they left and headed back to the boat. It was always nice to run into
a fellow marine, but the chats were bitter sweet for Nick. He’d planned on retiring a marine or dying a
marine so the discharge was still a sore spot, even a decade later.
“I think I’m going to head down.”
Deuce said as they entered the salon. “I’ve got another long day ahead of me
“Yeah, definitely,” Nick smiled,
his hands in the pockets of his slacks, “I’m just gonna watch TV a bit. Too
early for me.”
“You really need to sleep more
Nick,” Deuce chided.
“Yeah, yeah I know,” Nick ran his
hand through his hair and reflected again how he really needed a cut. “I’ll
sleep when I’m dead.”
Deuce shook his head with a sigh,
“I could prescribe you something you know. Something mild like I do for Ty?”
“I’m good. Really. I’ll let you
know if I change my mind.”
“Yeah, ok. I’m not going to nag
you.” Deuce headed towards the staircase and Nick watched him for a second
before turning towards the sofa intending to sit down. He really should go
change out of his good cloths but he just didn’t have the energy. Something
about following Deuce down the stairs but not being able to follow him into his
cabin felt too disappointing to face tonight.
“Good night D.”
“’’Night.” Deuce stopped and
turned around, “Oh,Nick.”
Nick turned to look at him before
sitting. “Yeah.”
“Thanks for dinner and
everything.” D smiled, “I had… a really nice time.”
“Yeah, me too.” Nick smiled back,
“And you’re welcome. I’ll come to Philly sometime and you can get me back for
the bet then.”
“Yeah ok,” Deuce turned around
and started to make his way down the steps, “It’s a date.”
“Well I don’t put out easily.”
Nick called down to him, “So you’ll need to wine and dine me.”
He heard D’s laugh carry up to
him, “Somehow I think a bag of Cheetos and a beer would do the trick.”
“I’m offended!” Nick yelled.
“No you’re not!” Deuce yelled
back as he made his way downstairs and into the spare room. He closed the door
behind him, not even bothering to lock it, knowing that despite all of the
teasing that Nick would never walk in on him in the middle of the night. He
might have been a flirt, but Deuce trusted him. Today had been interesting to
say the least. He had thought that he’d just see Nick in passing with them both
having busy schedules planned for the weekend. But dinner tonight? Oh that had
almost been a complete disaster. So many times he’d almost said something that
he knew he would regret in the future, but there were still so many things that
he wanted to say to him.
“Get your shit together, Deacon,”
he muttered to himself as he pulled off his clothes, tossing them in the corner
as he rubbed his thigh. “Nick is just being nice. You’ve worked shit out with
Livi, get your mind off of him.”
Shit. Livi. Between the
conference and dinner with Nick, he had forgotten to call her. Oh yeah, he was
going to be screwed when he got back to Philly in a few days. He glanced at the clock, thinking it over for
a moment as he collapsed back on the bed wearing nothing but his boxer-briefs
as he dialed her number, a slight smile crossing his face when she answered.
“Mm hey,” he closed his eyes as
he laid his head on the pillow, laughing softly when she started complaining
about how long it had taken him to call her. “Honey, how many times have you
had this same argument with me? I called you when I got off the plane, didn’t
He allowed his mind to wander as
he listened to Livi talk about her day, making a few noises here and there to
let her think he was listening as his thoughts turned to the man that was
upstairs. Even when he had his girlfriend on the phone he found himself thinking
about him more and more, and Deuce just couldn’t figure it out. Even if he
admitted to himself that he was at least a little bi-curious, Nick was more
than a little off limits. He was Ty’s best friend and Ty would murder both of
them for even thinking about each other in that way.
He was pulled away from his
thoughts by the sound of Livi saying his name loudly. Shit, he had completely
zoned out. “Hmm? Sorry, dozed off. I think I’m going to get some sleep.”
The room was quiet for a few
moments as Deuce listened to Livi, nodding his head slightly. “Miss you too.
I’ll be home on Monday, I have an early flight.” He went quiet again, nodding
slightly as he pushed himself up to a sitting position. “Mm yeah, you too.
G’night.” He tossed his phone onto the bed as he got to his feet, wincing a bit
as he crossed the room to the bathroom, leaning against the sink as he gazed at
himself in the mirror. He had had Livi on the phone and yet his thoughts were
on Nick for what seemed like the thousandth time in the past few weeks. He just had to get through the next couple of
days and then it was back to Philly and hopefully back to sanity.
The brunet swallowed a couple of
pills as he met his own gaze in the mirror, smirking slightly. Maybe sanity was
Nick shook his head and chuckled
as he laid down on the couch, flipping on the TV. Fucking Deuce. The smile
stayed on his lips as he thought of the man he’d just spent the evening with.
Deuce was…something else. He was smoking hot, no doubt about that, but there
was so much more to him then just his good looks. He was also smart and funny
and easy to be with. Nick was usually comfortable around people anyway, but
there was something extra relaxing about Deuce. Nick didn’t feel like he had to
put on a show all of the time to keep D occupied. Like over their main course at dinner for instance,
they talked a bit while they ate, mostly just commenting on how good everything
was, but for a lot of that time they just enjoyed the meal in silence. And it
was a very comfortable silence, something Nick rarely experienced, and he found
he liked it. He liked not feeling obligated to make a joke or tell a story and
he liked that Deuce didn’t appear to feel the need to entertain Nick either.
Nick could just…be at ease with Deuce, and Deuce seemed to feel the same way.
Funny how Nick had never really noticed that before, of course then Ty had
always been around taking most of Nick’s focus, but still.
Nick watched the anchor man
talking but didn’t really hear the local news, his mind just couldn’t seem to
stray from Deuce. His smile, white teeth flashing between full lips; the sound
of his laugh, it was contagious really, and pretty damn cute; those hazel eyes
that were intense, yet kind at the same time and totally mesmerized Nick; his
grace, even for a man of his height, and despite his injury. Deuce carried himself
with such effortless poise, yet he was down to earth and easy going. Nick loved
that Deuce never seemed to get offended by anything he said, whether over the phone,
on the computer or in person, and would just laugh it off and give it right
Deuce was an extraordinary man,
no doubt. God Nick wanted to kiss that full mouth. He wanted to fuck him so bad
he’s gotten a chubby several times throughout the night. That wasn’t anything
earth shattering in Nick’s world, he was pretty horny on a regular, but the odd
thing was he kind of wanted to hold Deuce afterwards. He wanted to lie in each
other’s arms and share shit that was easier to say in the dark of night. He
wanted to sleep together and wake up together and do it all over again the next
day. Yeah that was fucking different. Way different, and it freaked Nick out a
little bit. Well, a lot a bit actually, yet at the same time it felt sort of
right. What the fuck. No. Ty’s brother. Straight. Girlfriend. Off limits.
But Nick took a few moments to
fantasize that Deuce was none of those things. That he was available and Nick
could actually see where this could lead. He rubbed his dick through his pants,
his dick acknowledging that he liked that idea as well. Yeah, that Deacon Grady
was something else.
Anthony's Pier 4 Restaurant

Mmmm...raw bar platter appetizer.
Nick's songs of the day...
"Use Somebody" ~ Kings of Leon
"D is for Dangerous" ` Allison Iraheta
(The songs not that great, but the name of it, come on! The lyrics are fitting too, actually)
And my favorite...
"Turn Me On" ~ David Guetta & Nicki Minaj
(for the 'Doctor, Doctor' line alone...Oh, yeah!)
Who paid for dinner?
ReplyDeleteNick did. It's says at the end, when Deuce thanks him.
DeleteWell, duh, me. I just assumed it was a general, "thanks for the drinks and letting me stay here" sort of thing. For some weird reason I was expecting more bantering about who would pick up the tab.
DeleteLOL - No, now that I think about it I can see why you'd think that! To be honest, this was written before the bet was placed so we had to sneak a line or two in regarding the bet after the fact. We were still working on later story (and still are) so we didn't add in as much as we should have maybe. I agree, more banter about the bet would have been appropriate, but we have deadlines for ourselves and just didn't have time ;P Sorry for the confusion. Hope you enjoyed it though.